Chapter 31 🥳

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 When I re-enter the bedroom, I notice Miles is chilling and playing his electric guitar.

"Are you ready to go?" He asks, his eyes flickering around my body and to my face, he seems unbothered by the effort I put into dressing up nicely which pisses me off but I'm willing to let it slide.

"Is it seven thirty yet?" I ask.

"No, it's like six or something," he responds, attention still mostly focused on the ground and his guitar.

"Why did you decide to come here for the holidays?" Miles asks as he suddenly stops playing the guitar.

"Um...I read the note you left," I responded, my face starting to feel flushed with heat.

"What note?" Miles questions, looking up from the ground and staring at me in confusion. The actual fuck! What does he mean WHAT NOTE? He better be joking I SWEAR.

"Diego gave me some note that you had written to me, it came with a bookmark," I said, looking up at him, panicking instantly. My heart beat rises dramatically as uncertainty fills my body. Does he actually not like me anymore?  Was it a cruel trick or prank? What if he has been manipulating me this whole time? I SAID I LOVE YOU TO HIM MULTIPLE TIMES! But he did say it back, wouldn't that be a bit far if it was just a joke.

"Oh, THAT note?" Miles says, sheepishly.

"Yes, THAT note," I say, through gritted teeth.

"Yeah...I wrote that like two months ago, you weren't supposed to see it, I honestly forgot what I wrote in it, I'm going to kill Diego," Miles says, cursing under his breath.

"Miles, it was a sweet note, it's fine," I laugh. Why is he getting so awkward about it jeez.

"Please tell me you didn't just come here because of the note," Miles says flatly, rolling his eyes.

"Of course I didn't. I just couldn't bare staying at school again, also I missed you a little AND I wanted to see Flora OBVIOUSLY," I say quickly, trying to skim passed the I missed you, a crushing feeling starting to weigh down my heart, stomach and lungs.

"You missed me?" Miles says sceptically. 

"Do you still feel the same from when you wrote the note?" I ask, looking at him with discomfort  as I ignore his stupid question, irritated at his scepticism. I want him to think I don't want him to still like me, even though of course...I really do. I just can't be hurt, again.

"I- Of course not...we're just friends," Miles says, sounding like he is trying to convince both of us, I of course remain unconvinced. I think about him all the time, how could I not want to be with him still? Even though I know that still feeling for him is horrible and all since he sometimes treats me horribly, cheats on me and has been known to hook up with random girls often, probably even when in relationships.

"Yeah, I know we are just friends but do YOU still FEEL the same?" I ask again, not quite knowing what I wanted his answer to be, probably yes.

"I told you I honestly don't remember what I wrote," Miles says, rolling his eyes and giving me a slight glare. Woah, ok then Miles, bottle up your feelings more why don't ya. 

"Yes you do," I sigh, giving him attitude as I stare him in the eyes and look at him as if he is being simply stubborn and irritating, which he is.

"What the fuck do you want from me. I'm pretty sure whatever I say isn't what you want to hear Issy, I don't want to be with you, I haven't for so long now, just stop. We can be friends or nothing, no in between," Miles says. His eyes are all dark and angry, I feel slightly scared by the way he is staring me down. Panic rises in me. My throat starts to retract, I start to swallow the saliva in my mouth, suddenly conscious that my eyes are about to start to get watery. No no no, I can't cry, that's just stupid, this is all stupid. I walk up to Miles and just stare at him, he looks at me, that numb expression on his face making my heart falter.

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