Chapter 4 🤨

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"Nah, all good," He shrugs, letting go, my heart was pounding and I felt slightly annoyed that he just stopped flirting. He moved back to his seat and fixed his hair which was now messy from when he was hugging me. I sneak a sidewards glance at him and notice that he has leaned his head all the way back but to the side a bit so that he can look out of the window. I look out of my window and then at the black glass which has been luckily providing us with privacy. I look at the glass in an attempt to see if its mirror-like qualities can provide me a clear angle of his face. It does but only to a small extent. I can see a little smirk on his face. Now it isn't that hard to believe that this kid had been trying to bully me last week. At this moment I have decided to try my best to tolerate him for the rest of the school holidays, right now I am obsessed with keeping a small (or not so small) grudge against him. I feel extremely embarrassed even though he was the one that flirted with me first for no reason at all. I end up closing my eyes in high hopes that I fall asleep and waste the remaining time driving to his house away. 

I woke up somehow ages later with apparently twenty more minutes according to Miles who had tried to talk to me as soon as I woke up.

"Twenty minutes until we arrive by the way," Miles said, slightly pushing my shoulder with his fingertips to get my attention, which I didn't give him.

"Are you going to ignore me now," He scoffs. Yes Miles, that's exactly what I'm going to do.

"Real mature," He says sarcastically. You know what else would be real mature MILES, dealing with your emotions and not leading people on. I am being immature but I don't even care, I shall remain childish for as long as I can.

"You better stop being a bitch the second we arrive," Miles says and I can feel him rolling his eyes.

"Fuck you," I reply simply.

"You wish you could," Miles says as he tilts my head towards him with his thumb and pointer finger. I smack his hand away and he lets go slowly in response whilst smirking at me in an obnoxious, manner.

"Yeah ok, now who's the one being mature huh Miles?" I roll my eyes at him. We sit back in silence. Suddenly I really want to ask him what was on the note that he used to set me up in class. 

"Miles-" I go to ask.

"Oh so now your feeling chatty?" Miles says sassily. 

"Yes I am now shut up," I retort.

"What was on that note that Miss Boutine took away?" I ask, fearing the worst. He doesn't respond immediately, he just laughs...well more like cackles to himself. 

"It said-" He interrupts himself with a fit of devious chuckles which make me roll my eyes and also smile to myself subtly because I can never be serious.

He clears his throat, "It said 'Meet me in the supply cupboard in an hour' and it also had a couple of winking faces drawn around the message." At this we both start laughing, I can't even be mad at that point because somehow to me it is kind of funny. I expected something more inappropriate so I'm glad it is only as bad as how your mind makes it out to be.

"Wait so were you waiting for me outside of Miss Marshals office so that you could pull me into the closet and hope people would catch us," I say incredulously whilst still laughing slightly.

"Yeah but then-" 

"You felt bad because you accidentally overheard what the conversation was about and you completely changed your plan," I finish for him.

"Yep," Miles sighs.

Not long after our conversation, we pull up to his massive mansion looking house. I was not expecting it to be this grand. It looks like the gardens would have to be managed by fifty people. After we get out of the car and walk into the house, I follow Miles to the kitchen where he says Mrs Grose is likely to be.

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