Chapter 33 🤔

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By the time Alfie comes I am already prepared to pass out on the drive home. As soon as I sit in the seat, I let my eyes close, my head drops forward and I just start to drift to sleep. I am aware that Miles is still talking to me which I find quite sad considering I am practically asleep. He finally stops mid sentence as he realises I haven't given him any responses for the past few minutes. He sighs to himself and rests his hand on my leg before quickly realising that it is an odd gesture. I feel the warmth of his palm leave my skin and a shiver instantly shoots up my spine. When I feel the car pull up to the driveway, I slowly open my eyes, luckily Miles doesn't notice so I close them again. Hopefully he carries me inside if he thinks I'm asleep. He opens his door and shuts it, after a few seconds I think he has gone inside until I feel my door being opened, the air outside drifting inside and making my legs cold. I don't know why but I swear it is always freezing at the Fairchild estate during the night. He unbuckles my seatbelt whilst he slips his hand behind my back and his other under my legs as he tries to haul me out of the car. I think he is going to drop me at multiple points as he struggles up the staircase that leads to the bedrooms.

When we get to our shared bedroom, he lays me on his bed and tries to shake me awake. I am of course very much so conscious so I have to carefully pretend to be waking up slowly from my "car ride nap".

"Is?" Miles calls quietly into my ear.

"Yeah?" I reply, looking at him with genuine tired eyes. My head is spinning slightly but I can't tell if it's because Miles just carried me bridal style and gently laid me down or If I'm just feeling sick from drinking a million cranberry juices. 

"Go have a quick shower, your covered in beer," He says.

"I'm too tired," I complain.

"Well then just take off your dirty clothes and have a shower in the morning," he suggests.

"Ok," I say, standing up. 

I start to take off my shirt, revealing the red lingerie thing I had struggled to put on that Amara had given me from before. I think I forgot I was wearing that...or did I?

"Wh- what are you doing?" Miles asks, full on looking me up and down and then just staring at the bra.

"Getting undressed," I replied innocently.

"Why are you wearing that?" Miles asks, basically incapable of coming up with reasonable sentences since he was probably expecting me to make my way to the bathroom with fresh clothes before getting undressed.

"Because," I answered vaguely, staring him in the eyes unblinkingly. There is a weird tension between us right now.

"Why are you still looking?" I ask, eyeing him suspiciously even though I don't really want him to look away.

"It's hard not to look, Is," Miles replies softly, tearing his eyes away from my body and looking me in the eyes.

"Why is that?" I ask him.

"Because-" Miles is about to answer but he seemingly changes his mind.

"Did you wear that in hopes of hooking up with someone at The Icebox or something?" Miles scoffs, his tone changing, he looks jealous...ha good. Wait a sec, did he just slut shame me in his own slightly unsubtle, judgmental, shade throwing way?

"No," I reply. He takes a step closer to me, his hands hovering close to my body and his breath catching slightly as I smirk up at him.

"Shame we're just friends huh?" He sighs, looking down at me, as my eyes flirt with him.

"Why is that?" I ask, still with that obnoxious innocent tone.

"You know why," He answers. Miles holds his breath for a second before turning around and walking to his guitar. He plucks a couple of the strings before he sits down on his swivel chair and starts to actually play a familiar melody with his back to me. I can't tell if he is sulking about something. I continue to get changed because I figured that he might just sit there being all moody for ages so I might as well not be cold.

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