Chapter 7 😐

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Quint doesn't show up for dinner or afterwards. Flora and I didn't know where Miles was so we ended up playing with her dolls for a bit as we got to know each other.

"So what's your favourite dessert?" Flora asks me as she puts her doll called apple cinnamon twig into bed.

"Probably mint choc or cookies and cream ice cream, what's yours?"

"Mrs Grose's apple pie or chocolate Ice Cream," Flora replies thoughtfully as she leans down and kisses the doll on the forehead and smiles to herself.

"Where's Miles?" I ask Flora who is undressing a little doll with curly golden locks and creepy blue eyes.

"Probably with Quint," She replies.

"Doing what exactly?" I try to inquire further. I kind of miss Miles and his stupidly smug presence.

"I don't really know what they do but Miles comes home super late and acts all weird most nights," Flora says all innocently. What does she mean by he acts all weird. I can feel my hatred towards this Quint guy grow stronger by the second.

A couple hours later I went to Flora's room and tucked her in since Miss Jessel had accidentally fallen asleep a bit earlier.

"Good night," Flora smiles and closes her eyes.

"Good night," I say softly as I walk out of the room, closing the door gently behind me.

"Well hello there," A gravelly voice says from behind me, QUINT? I freak out and quickly turn around.

"hi," I say awkwardly as I practically run to my room before turning and saying "Um...goodnight."

"Sleep well," Quint says. I know I'm just feeling extra tense due to the change of location and the fact that a creepy scruffy looking man roams around this said location. I lay in bed with my eyes open. I sometimes forget to close my eyes and end up not being able to go to sleep since they had been open the whole time and I simply didn't realize.

Some point in the night, I awoke with a bit of a shock. I think I had just had a nightmare about my Mom or something else scary but the memory of it was quickly disappearing. I lie in the cold sheets and contemplate getting out of bed. For some reason the idea of checking to see if Miles is here makes me feel better but at the same time I feel childish to have to have someone comfort me after having a nightmare. I move the blanket off of myself which makes parts of my leg cold therefore giving me motivation to get up and just walk to Miles' bedroom. What if I bump into Quint again? I feel my heart racing and my eyes dart around the nearly pitch black corridor. I can't see where I'm going but I keep trying to walk to Miles' room anyway. As I finally reach a door which I am pretty sure leads to Miles' bedroom, I feel around for the handle and turn it. The wooden door and its rusty hinges seem to echo in the quietness of my surroundings.
"Miles," I whisper as I step into the room gingerly.

"Yeah?" I hear Miles whisper back although the voice had come from behind me, huh weird. A hand gently touched my shoulder making me gasp. A shock went through my body causing my eyes to widen and a massive intake of oxygen to burst through my lungs.

"Shh," Miles hushes me as he grabs my shoulders and steers me further into his room, he stops quickly to flick the lights on. My eyes strain painfully even though his light was actually quite dim. I shake his hands off my shoulders and turn to face him.

"Hi," I say, not quite knowing what to say to him since I am in a state of tired but scared confusion.

"Hey," Miles says as he flops down on his bed.

I squint my eyes at him before complaining about the lights being on, he just ignores me.

"So what do you want? It's like two in the morning," Miles questions as he rests his head on his skinny arm and dangles one leg off the side of his bed.

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