Chapter 3 😳

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"Can you drive this next year? You're sixteen at the moment right?" I ask, looking at him and then back to the car.

"I'm seventeen but yeah I could if I want to but I don't really need to yet," Miles says as he opens the car door and motions for me to go around the other side as he starts to go and sit in the back on the black leather seats. Wow what a gentleman I smirk to myself, not that I actually expected him to open the door for me anyway.

As I sit down I hear the driver say "Afternoon Master Miles how have you been."

I stifle a giggle at the weird formal behaviour of the driver. Miles notices and shoots me a dark look.

"I've been pretty good thanks Alfie," Miles replies quickly whilst trying to ignore me silently laughing my ass off next to him.

"Good to hear Master Miles," Alfie responds.

"Shut up," Miles shoves me to get me to stop cackling.

"Manners please Master Miles," I snort loudly.

"Will you calm down, Jesus," Miles says, rolling his eyes. I look at the rear view mirror and see Alfie raising an eyebrow at me. I freak out and introduce myself before awkwardly trying to make it clear that I wasn't laughing at the posh man driving but at Miles instead. 

"Alfie I mean no disrespect I'm not laughing at what you specifically said I am simply laughing at Fair- Miles being referred to so formally," I badly explain as Alfie smiles at me kindly before returning his attention to the road. I now sit in awkward silence whilst having to live with the fact that I just made the most pathetic first impression to the driver who we will be in the car with for multiple hours straight. How do I start a conversation with Miles? I am so bored right now.

"What does this button do?" I say as I point to a little black button I had just spotted. I accidentally press it. A tinted glass wall rises up and divides us from the front seats.

"Oh, cool" I exclaim, looking at the glass in wonderment. Is it possible to slice my hand off if I try and intercept it whilst it closes?

"Just letting you know it is a two hour drive to my house," Miles says, turning to look at me as I gaze out the window since I had literally no idea what to do and I didn't want to strike up a conversation due to the lack of social skills between Miles and I.

"Thank you for letting me know Master Miles," I say in a serious, posh voice. I'm surprised I am managing to keep a straight face.

"As I just said this is going to be a two hour drive, I swear If you don't stop I will happily make Alfie leave you on the side of the road," Miles says irritably at the mention of my new nickname for him.

"Aw but you wouldn't do that now would you...Master Miles," I say flirtatiously leaning towards him even though I was mainly trying to annoy him. Instead of reacting he just stays still and lets me get closer to him. He looks at me, almost challenging me, a hint of malice sparkles in his eyes.

"I wouldn't doubt me," He breathes, my stomach absolutely drops, my heart feels like it might start pounding sometime soon, yep there it goes.

"I'm...tired, so uh yeah, goodnight," I say quickly, awkwardly smiling at him. COULD I BE MORE OBVIOUS HOLY FUCK. ALSO DID I JUST SAY GOODNIGHT! I am going to open the door and jump out of this moving car, never to be seen again. GOODNIGHT?!

"Goodnight?" He smirks, the bitch knows he made me flustered dammit.

"Fuck off," I say as I start to turn in my seat and lean against the window which is uncomfortably buzzing with the energy and speed of the car which happens to be going down a very bumpy road, just my luck.

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