Chapter 27 😶

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 My mind starts to reel as we pull up at the Fairchild's driveway. I take a massive breath and Alfie smiles and wishes me luck.

"Thank you so much Alfie, sorry if I bothered you with my life story," I laugh, he responds with a hearty chuckle and tells me that he enjoyed listening since he usually gets bored on long drives. I smile at the kind old man and start to walk up to the front doors. I knock softly, instantly regretting coming here. I awkwardly stand on my tippy toes and reach for the door knocker which Is surely far too high even for tall people to reach. I eventually just give up and knock louder than before. I wait for like two minutes before someone finally starts to open the door.

"Who is it?" Miles says, flatly from behind the wooden door, before opening it fully and seeing for himself. I stand there frozen, I honestly wasn't expecting him to open it.

"Oh, hi?" Miles says, confused. His eyes soften slightly as he stares at me.

"Hi," I reply shyly. God I wasn't expecting myself to get all weird and timid, uhhh.

"You want to come in? I mean obviously you would but anyway," Miles stammers, as he holds the door open and steps aside for me to enter. As I step through the doorway and quickly turn around to thank him I find myself almost a tad bit too close to him, I look up at him in mild shock as he looks down at me as we exchange an unnerving amount of silent eye contact for what feels like an illegal amount of time. He is still so...pretty? Handsome? Hot...his eyes are lowkey nice to stare at, they are so big and brown, god I love his eyes. I swear his hair never used to be that curly, is it longer than usual? Am I staring at him too much? I'm freaking out, I kind of want to hug him, no that's weird...

"Lets go to your room-" I start, trying to ignore my spiralling train of thought.

"Yep," Miles agrees quickly.

"So...Flora told me you still write to her every two weeks," Miles says, smiling to himself and leaning on the doorframe as we reach his room.

"Yeah? Well she is my favourite Fairchild, so I wouldn't just stop writing too her because her brother made some mistakes...which I forgive by the way," I say, looking intently at Miles who scoffs at Flora being called my favourite before responding to the last part of my sentence by nodding his head slightly in acknowledgement.

" dating anyone now?" Miles asks, out of nowhere as I enter his room. What a dumbass he probably got all jealous and shit like I did when he used to sneak off to The Icebox without me. He probably missed keeping an eye on who I interacted with from the side lines at his locker.

"I wish to be honest, I mean I liked this guy but he kinda acted like a jerk for ages so I don't really know what to think at this point," I smirk.

"Yeah well dating jerks can be tough, I wouldn't recommend doing it again," Miles says, in a serious tone.

"Plus how would you even know If that jerk likes you anyway, I mean surely I was acting like that for a reason," Miles smirks back at me, hands in his pockets, now leaning against the wall next to his door.

"I?" I question.

"Oh um, I meant...the jerk, why would you think the jerk would like you?" Miles says, getting slightly flustered. I roll my eyes and just stare at him.

"...What?" He asks in an innocent tone after a while when the tension got slightly too much to bear.

"Don't even try me with that act Miles, Diego literally told me that you were obsessed with me, just cut the crap and tell me what's going on," I say, raising my eyebrows at him expectantly.

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