Chapter 26 😕

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Miles has been sent up to the principal's office and Mattheo is currently getting picked up in an ambulance van whilst the teachers try to get a hold of his parents who apparently are extremely neglectful and don't seem to give two shits about him. It makes sense that he would bully people and become an intolerable little shit to anyone around him because abuse makes people act up like that. I'm currently sitting with Amara who has been non stop asking me about what happened with Miles and Mattheo and what I saw and what Miles was acting like towards me.

"Wait so he pushed you and threatened to snap your neck, girl, come on, how do you still like that boy," Amara says, incredulously.

"What no I-" I stop when Amara gives me a look. We both burst into laughter before stopping when I heard my name being called through the loud, bad quality, school speakers.

"Did they just say my name?" I ask.

"Yes, girl c'mon let's go," Amara replies, rushing me to the office which is on the other side of the school.

"Do you think Miles asked to see you before he gets expelled?" Amara asks.

"Expelled? Oh yeah, he nearly killed someone," I say, feeling a sinking feeling in my stomach. Am I going to see him again? What if he already left?

"In terms of crazy exes I'm pretty sure you won the jackpot," Amara laughs. I chuckle a little bit before anxiety starts to full on course through my body.

"It's ok, don't stress," Amara comforts as she places her hand on my shoulder in an effort to calm my nerves as she stops walking and opens the door for me as we finally reach the principal's office.

"Thanks," I reply, putting on a polite face appropriate for socializing with principles and other teachers as I step into the room. My attention is immediately drawn to the massive book shelf behind Principle Wilkens desk. I look at the books and then look around quickly taking in my surroundings.

"Miss Clinton please take a seat," Principle Wilkens says, sternly but kindly. I sit down and greet Mr Wilkens, he returns the greeting before grimacing.

"A student has informed me that another student was harmed violently by them but I just wanted to check with you about what actually happened since you are a known eye witness and the other student and I already talked," Mr Wilkens starts. I nod and wait for him to speak again, he doesn't. I find it funny how many times he avoided using names even though I would quite obviously know the identities of the people.

"Oh, um...well I was walking through the hall near my dorm and heard noises. There was a fight between two students. I tried to break it up but they just ended up fighting alone in the bathroom near the science labs. I ended up entering just as one was lighting something on fire, the other student reacted by grabbing them by the throat and slamming them against the wall," I say, realizing I'm making this sound bad for both of them.

"Ah, I see, that is a very similar recount of the one I have already heard. Thank you for helping me understand this situation further," He says as he leads me to the door.

"Um, Mr Wilkens? Has Miles been sent home?" I ask, unsure whether I'm allowed to mention his name.

"Ah, yes he has already gathered his things, he should have just left by now. He is being driven home by one of the teachers and his carer will receive a phone call from me shortly," Mr Wilkens replies. Oh. So he is gone, I didn't get to say goodbye. I'm probably never going to see him again, also was Mr Wilkens even allowed to tell me that? Maybe he felt bad for me or something.

"Thank you Mr Wilkens," I smile, before leaving the room, feeling distraught and numb.

"How did it go?" Amara asks.

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