Chapter 34 🫡

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My tears start to dry on my cheeks as I get up and walk out the door. I have to remove myself from this whole situation. I walk fast. Down the stairs. Out the front door. Before I knew I had been walking I realise I have started to run. All of the anger and hurt exiting my body through the fast, bounding movements of my legs and feet, the rhythm of each step raising and steadying my heartbeat. Everything that built up inside of me fuels my energy, energy which takes me all the way to The Field. 

My lungs are burning, my breath is slightly raspy and my eyes are stinging. The cold night air suddenly surrounds me. The sky's obvious darkness feels unnerving and still. The light wind is whistling through the grass which is so tall that I struggle to walk through it. I am aware that it is extremely late and that I shouldn't just stay out here for the night but I can't bring myself to go back inside. I lay down on the grass which is hella spikey and dewy. I try to steady my breathing but I immediately start crying again. I am only wearing shorts and Miles' jumper which is barely keeping me warm. I wrap my arms around myself and imagine that I am being held by someone comforting, someone who happens to wear jumpers...someone who doesn't love me. I know I'm being dramatic and weak right now, I know I'm overreacting and that he actually did try to explain his feelings to me but I am too broken to hear them right now.

"Issy!" I hear a voice shout loudly over the quietness of the night.

I quickly sit up and look around. The sound is coming from the trees somewhere.

All of the sudden Flora comes running at me, tears in her eyes.

"Flora? What's wrong?" I ask, alarmed and unsettled by her sudden appearance.

"I thought you left, I saw you running and I followed you. Are you going to leave again?" Flora cries.

"Oh Flora," I say softly, my eyebrows furrowed with worry.

"No of course not," I say kneeling down to hug her. She jumps at me and doesn't let go, I don't either. At times when I feel alone, I just want to be reassured and held, I know that Flora feels like this, I know that I feel like this, even Miles probably feels like this sometimes. I keep hugging her until she pulls away and looks at me, "Are you wearing Miles' jumper?" She giggles.

"Maybe," I smirk.

"Are you out here because he upset you again?" Flora asks me, her eyes looking at me with such emotion that I just couldn't tell a lie to her.

"Yes but I'll get over it, for now I just need to breathe and not pass out. It took a lot of running to get here this fast," I laugh.

"Do you want to talk?" She asks.

"I think I have had enough of talking, did you want to go back inside," I ask.

"Ok...but only if you stay with me," She requests.

"Of course," I smile. We start to walk back together, hand in hand.

"Issy! Flora! What the hell are you guys doing out here?" Miles says, running from the opposite direction of where we were heading. I just ignore him, unable to deal with all of the feelings that came with hearing his voice.

"Issy," He grabs my hand, trying to stop me from walking, I don't want to cause a scene in front of Flora, so I stop, I stop and look him in the eyes.

"Yes Miles?" I ask, calmly but coolly.

He doesn't speak, I think he is unable to. I don't know why he followed me out here, I honestly don't think he knows either.

I continue walking back inside with Flora. Miles follows silently behind us. My heart is racing and my head is starting to become so cluttered with thoughts that a headache begins to threaten to appear.

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