Chapter 38

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Hade was thankfully alive and had also regained consciousness. The wound on his stomach was gone and the affected area had shrunk but that weird glow was still there.

I suppose the magic in this world was strong enough to heal an open wound, but not strong enough to cure a curse. That was dumb. Well, then again, the wizard was a powerful piece of shit.

At least the potion was able to slow it down.

Now, during this week, I will storm the...whatever it's called. Well, hopefully this week. What was the elf kingdom's name though? Ah, it was something like Elahart? No, Elahara. Whatever, it was going to fall under the demon's rule soon.

What a shame. I actually liked her, but after all this chaos she caused I think it would be better to kill her off. Or maybe imprison her? No, she could escape. As for the king...he was probably dead by now anyways. From what I have observed thus far, the elf queen Lemora was a ruthless leader. Anyone who had stopped serving a purpose to her...well...her husband could've just been a puppet. Obviously her goal was to kill the current demon king, Asmodeus. Or even...

But why? That question...what a pain.

There was also Hade and Asher. The possibility of them helping existed.

And it was most likely true.

And...the child. Oh my lorddd ex demon king why the fuck

Haah...then there's the lady who assaulted Hade.

And the random kid.

Oh, I should've asked about all that, huh.

It's too late now.

I had found a place to stay for the time being. To save money, we had both agreed to share the room. Of course we got our separate beds. We would be staying here at least until I could question the one who I had personally trained. Also to find out what was wrong here, if time permitted.

During the whole time, Hade didn't speak a word. It was almost as if he didn't exist.

Occasionally I'd glance at him to make sure he wasn't dead or left behind, but he looked fine.

At least on the outside.

Maybe...what he did, maybe he was embarrassed about kissing me.

We were currently in our room, giving me time to think about useless things. It was dark out, so there was no point in looking for them. We'd most likely come off as suspicious if we did.

This village's guards had started patrolling the grounds.

Yep, something was really off here.

Our room consisted of two beds, obviously, two small windows above the beds and a small closet on Hade's side. The door was on my side.

The dude at that counter had been a little suspicious of us since we hadn't exactly brought spare clothes and Hade's clothes were still covered in some blood, plus we were both wearing clothes that look like military outfits, but let us in when he saw me take the money out.

It was five copper per night. Since we didn't know how long we'd be staying, after a little bit of negotiation, they let us pay every night rather than all upfront.

50 copper equaled one silver and 100 silver equaled one gold. Of course I had brought money with me, a lot of it in fact. Though it was important to save.

This was the cheapest...motel? we could find.

Once we had registered, we went back out to find some clothes. Well, I went out and told Hade to stay because shops would more than likely not let us in if they saw a male covered in blood.

I, on the other hand, only had a few tears in my clothing.

Oh, and I had forgotten to mention, but we did not blend in very fell because I had forgotten to change. Well whatever, I could just do a quick memory wipe on those I encountered inside the shop.

Of course I put spare clothing in my beautiful space that was currently in possession of two 19 year olds. I just didn't change.

Haah...we had to get back before they somehow managed to destroy it.

I mean, I could trust Asher a little bit with the space, plus there were no real valuables in there, but Asmodeus on the other hand...who knew what he would end up doing.

Anyways, after buying a few simple clothes and changing there, I went back to the motel.

Ah, the money, it was leaving me so fast.

Welp, it didn't matter too much since I hehehehehhehehe.

Oh the greatness. But since that money wouldn't last forever, I had to save as much as I could by getting cheap things.

Anyways, maybe we should've gotten separate rooms, because it was starting to feel awkward.

Hade still hadn't started a conversation, and I hadn't attempted to start one either.

Though, I think it was time.

"Uhhh...Hade? You good?" I started. I didn't know what to say.

I waited for a response from him, but didn't get one.


I got up from my bed and slowly walked over to his.

He was wearing a pair of black shorts I had gotten him and a black T-shirt.

He was hugging his pillow and had buried his head into it. The blanket was in between his legs, barely covering Hade.

A small chuckle escaped my lips.

Hade had fallen asleep once again, however this time, it wasn't because he was stabbed or something.

It had been a chaotic day, he deserved some rest.

Leaving him be, I walked back to my bed, plopped down and closed my eyes.

It had been a chaotic day for both of us.

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