¹⁰ To their parents walking in you making out

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(It has to be your parents for harry bc he has none)
- Pulls away fast
Harry: "erm-"
- Your dad just walks away
- Dinner that night is very awkward
- And the tension rised a lot higher
- Also your dad send harry death stares every minute



- He hadn't even noticed his dad walked in
Lucius: "Ahem-"
- He pulls away
Draco: "Dad!"
Lucius: "Draco..."
Draco: "What?"
Lucius: "Dinner is ready... but it seems you've already eaten-"
- Draco is pissed with him the rest of the night



- Molly walked in to put away laundry
- She sees you guys making out
Molly: "OH-"
- Separates the two of you using magic
Molly: "Take a break would ya? Ron come help me set up dinner-"
Ron: "Really mum???"
Molly: "Yes, straight downstairs!!"
- Ron leaves



- His dad didn't expect to see it
Mr Diggory: "Oh my-"
- Cedric pulls away
Cedric: "dad!"
Mr Diggory: "I'll just be going now-"
- his dad just smiles at you and walks away shutting the door
Y/N: "Let's lock the door this time-"
Cedric: "I like the sound of that-"



- Molly had walked in on her kids many times but this time it was bad
- Fred was kissing you while he was unbuttoning his shirt
- She slaps him upside the head
Fred: "Oi! Mum!"
Molly: "Get your shirt back on!"
- She leaves all heated
- Fred doesn't listen and keeps kissing you



- This time it was Arthur that walked in on you
Arthur: "George have you seen my-"
- Stops talking
George: "Dad!"
Arthur: "Oh-"
- He walks back to the door
Arthur: "I'll just leave you two be!"
- George rolls his eyes
George: "Now- where were we?"
- Smirks at you
- continuing to kiss you



- He hadn't expected his dad to walk in on you guyd
Blaises dad: "What the hell is going on here-"
- You pull away first
Blaise: "Dad??? What the hell- get out!!"
- He does and fast
- You hear him mumble outside the door
Blaises dad: "Bloody kids-"


(Instead of it being his parents it's his grandma)
Gran: "Neville?? What are you doing? Who is she?"
Neville: "Gran... this is y/n... my girlfriend-"
Gran: "girlfriend???"
- He nods
Gran: "Well... quit the kissin... it's getting on my nerves-"
Neville: "Yes gran-"
Gran: "Hmf!"



- Gets so shocked his dad walked in
- Pulls away faster than you can say quidditch
Olivers dad: "Nevermind-"
- You laugh as he leaves
Oliver: "That's so embarrassing-"
Y/N: "We have better things to focus on-"
- You start kissing him again
- He kisses back



(It's your dad bc we all know this man has mommy issues and daddy issues)
- He didn't notice at first
- You didn't either
Your dad: "Ahem... gonna explain why you have your hands all over my daughter-"
Tom: "Sir I-"
Your dad: "Don't sir me... y/n... come... we're leaving-"
- You leave
- It's so strict and you hate it
- But it's ok, you'd be seeing tom again soon 😉


Credits: harry_potter_boys_

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