¹¹⁰ seeing you after a long time apart

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- takes a few seconds to register that yes, you're here and yeah, you're entirely real
- hands tucked in his pockets because he's NERVOUS
- let's out a breath he didn't know he was holding in when you meet his eyes
- tries to mutter a snide remark about however he was sure you'd forget him, but all that comes out is a soft, "y/n." Before he RUSHES TOWARDS YOU
- nearly lifts you off the ground once his arms find you your waist
- holds the back of your head with his hand, gently caressing your his thumb:'))
- chuckles tearfully when you make a joke about him messing up your hair
- does the little scrunched up teary-eyed look while rubbing his eyes once you pull away
- "'m not crying, mm-mm, "more laughing* I'm not!"
- looks you up and down before kissing you, smiling against your )ips and laughing because your noses nearly hit
- awkward little, "sorry, I just missed you:)"

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- you know the smile when the twins dropped out? And they were flying off? Yeah:)
- actually stands there like 🧍‍♂️😁 for SO LONG
- I just get the feeling he would go straight for the kiss, no matter if it's been a week or a year, just straight for the kiss
- makes sure to capture your bottom lip between his own so be can be a TEASE
- "*breathless* don't you ever leave me like that again,"
- smug a$$ smirk when he sees how red you've gotten
- his love language is definitely physical touch, so his hands are staying on your waist, your face, or even intertwining his fingers with yours
- kisses over your knuckles softly and slowly
- he's in his prince charming cosplay 😗
- sits beside you at dinner that night and can't take his eyes off you
- visibly relaxes when you hold his hand beneath the table, he finally feels home again:')

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- those videos of the grooms sobbing as their wives walk down the isle is this man seeing you again and you cannot f^cking convince me otherwise
- runs a hand down his face to try and calm himself but he CAN'T
- the lil' sniffles 🥺
- sways from side to side on each foot when he finally holds you again from the force of you both RUNNING at each other
- places rapid kisses into your hair
- "you're kidding darling- you're f^cking kidding,"
- just in utter awe and absolute disbelief that you're with him again
- holds your face in his hands and just gazes as if you're made of the Sun herself
- "I missed you so much,"

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- tilts his head a little to try and reassure himself you're there
- if there's people around, he's taking another minute to register everything- but if you're alone...
- slowly takes your hands in his and lifts them to his lips, leaving gentle kisses there
- genuinely doesn't believe you're real, give the man a minute HDJFJSJS
- cracks a soft smile finally when your eyes meet and just,
"Missed me, didn't you?"
- signature smirk when you roll your eyes and lean further into his arms
- "I'm taking that as a yes;)"
- lays with you the rest of the night, running his hand up and down your arm whilst going between that and drawing little shapes on your back with his fingertips
- blondie nearly ascends when he sees you the following morning still there, wearing his shirt and trying to sneak around as to not wake him

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- cutest godd@mn shocked face EVER
- "wait- wait, no- y/n?"
- tears up and laughs breathlessly when you run into his arms
- "Hey! *laughs* w-watch out!"
- just got done potting some plants of course, so he's worried about getting dirt on you 😌
- gives in eventually and just fully cups your face in his hands
- laughs when you fake grimace and wipe dirt on his nose JDJFJS
- does a little head shake once you do if before leaning in and leaving a soft kiss on your lips
- resorts only moments later using a damp cloth to gently wipe at your face, giggling all the way through it
- "s-sorry, you're just- I'm mad for you, you know that? I don't know what I'd do with you going away again,"
- tears up again when you promise you'll stay

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- would borderline tackle you I take no opposing theories here
- sees you and just goes 🤨...😯
- "Y/N!"
- laughs once you both fall over, but he graciously takes the burnt of the falk- thank you, doucheb@g!!
- "you really just wanted to be on top of me again, didn't you?;)"
- sits up finally with you on his lap, holding your face and pressing his forehead to yours, constantly teasing a kiss with his lips grazing yours
- "if I had to wait this pong, so do you:)"
- gives in half a second later when his eyes lock onto yours
- moves as slow as possible so when you both pull away, you're entirely breathless
- "hoe did I go so long without you, f^ck's sake..."
- pester you all night about your hip, how you lived without him- 'the greatest and handsomest person in the whole world'
- "what? It's a genuine question!"

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- Little kid in a candy store
- doesn't waste any time, rushes you as soon as he sees you and nearly sends you both on your a$$es
- gently holds your face and takes his time studying your features before giving in and placing kisses all over
- tears up when he leans you laugh UGH
- leans into your touch when you wipe away a few of his stray tears, smiling contently and scrunching his nose slightly
- "you're staying, right?"
- possible lil' lip quiver when you nod and kiss him
- "yeah, you better, *laughs* merlin's sake, I didn't know how much more bloody complaining I could take from Freddie,"
- asks where you're off to for the rest of the night, even if you're just going to get a glass of water JFJSISJ
- dozed off with his head on your lap, content and possibly moving your hand back to his hair whenever you moved it DJFKSKS

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- in his White Guy Blinking era 😏
- face turns from confusion to utter and absolute happiness once he realizes it's actually you
- "this- this isn't it prank? You're- it's you?"
- throws his head back and laughs tearfully when you rush over to him and nearly trop over your own two feet
- strokes your hair and kisses your head before, "careful baby, *laughs* don't want you hurting yourself because of me,"
- rolls his eyes when the twins teae him on how he swore he smelled your perfume/cologne/etc the other day and nearly cried
- "I missed you, can you bloody blame me?"
- dreamt of you the entire time you were gone <33
- "I'd wake up, and when you weren't there-,"
- leans into your touch when you move from wiping your own tears to his
- smiles contentedly and kisses the inner part of your palm
- refuses to leave your side for the rest of the night, listens intently to any stories you have to tell with a slight head tilt and a soft curve of his lips
- "I'm so happy you're home," into the crook of your neck later that night once you're both dozing off

✩。:*•.─────  ❁ ❁  ─────.•*:。✩

Credits: ?

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