²¹ Their girl bestfriend threatening you ( while dating )

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Harry potter

You and Harry had just started dating and his girl best friend came to your dorm one day. You smiled at her and asked how you could help her. "You could back off Harry, he's mine and no one is going to take him away from me." You laughed a d told her to go away. She huffed and left giving you a death stare before closing the door. You went to find Harry before she could get to him. You found him at the quidditch pitch and you ran up to him. "Hay y/n, what's up?" You told him what happened and he was hesitant to believe it. "You're sticking up for her? Maybe you should just date her instead of me, you seem to trust her more." You storm away and Harry runs over to you. "Y/n. I'm sorry, you have no reason to lie. I do believe you. I'll talk to her. We good?" You kod and he kisses your forehead.

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Ron Weasley

You two were hanging out in the great hall playing wizards chess when his girl best friend came up to you guys. She grabbed your arm roughly and said. "Hey Ron, me and y/n are just going to have a quick chat" with that she dragged you to a corner and shoved you. " you leave him alone. He is mine. MINE!" you were slightly scared as she looked pretty psychotic at the moment. You slowly pried her off you and walked over to Ron. " what did you talk about?" He asked you still looking at the chess board. "It was less talking and more her shouting at me how you're hers." He looked up at you. "No. Really what did you talk about?" You gaped at him offended "She grabbed my arms too." You show him the red marks from where her fingers were. He looked at them furious and got up scraping his chair backwards. " G/b/f/n! A word!" He shouted storing over to her.

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Draco Malfoy

You guys were making out in his room when his girl best friend came in. She cleared her throat and you guys stopped, and looked up at her. "Oh, hey" Draco said awkwardly wanting to continue what you guys had been doing. " Hi Dray, could I steal y/n away for a sec?" He looked at you begging with his eyes for you to say no. "I'll be back." You whisper getting up and following her outside. She immediately slammed you against the wall, "you slut! Leave us alone and stop ruining our relationship. I better not see you with him again." She walked down the stairs leaving you stunned. You slowed your breathing and went back inside. "What was that noise? Everything okay?" He asked as you came back inside. "N-no. She slammed me against the door...she told me to stop ruining your guys relationship." Draco rushed over to you, "Are you alright? Does it hurt?" He hugs you gently. "I'm okay I think..." He lies you on the bed and tells you he will be back soon. Then he goes to talk to his "friend"

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Fred Weasley

You and Fred were playing a prank on Filch. He was hiding behind a statue and you were in the hall in front to give the signal. His girl best friend saw you and came up to you. "Hi g/b/f/n!" You smile at her about to tell her her what you were doing but she spoke first, " Y/n, we need to talk. You and Fred... we both know that was never a good idea. Leave him and we won't have any problems. I know you know he's mine and no one, least of all you, is gonna change that." You were annoyed. "Um, no, He's my boyfriend and I'm not leaving him." You cross your arms and galre at her. "Aw, cute, you're trying to be tough." She hits you. "Doing. You look pathetic." Fred steps out from behind the statue from where he heard and saw everything. His no longer friends went bright red. "Freddie-" He cuts her off. "Don't Freddie me, you're no longer my friend so you can longer call me that." He picks you up and takes you to his dorm.

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Neville Longbottom

You were walking to class when his girl best friend came over to you. You liked her so you were happy when she came over to you, but that quickly changed when she grabbed your wrist tight. "Y/n. You're an awful person. You are going to leave my Neville alone and never see him again." You narrowed your eyes. "Firstly please remove your hand from my wrist, second he's not your Neville and finally it would be hard not to see him again since we go to the same school, are in the same house in the same year in all the same classes." You yank your hand out of her grasp and go to class. You sit next to Neville and explain what happened. He asks to see your wrist and uses a spell to stop it hurting. Then he gets up and goes over to talk to his no longer girl best friend.

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Oliver Wood

You guys were in the trophy room doing a history project on the school. His girl best friend came up to you and pulled you away. "We'll be right nack." She called to Oliver. She shoved you into the hall and slapped you. "Stay. Away. From. Him." You pushed her off you and simply said "no." Then you walked back to the trophy room like the badass you are and told him what happened. "I think you're exaggerating love, she's my friend. She's probably just looking out for me." You were mad. "She slapped me!" You turn your face to the side so he can see the handprint. Now he was mad too. Mad at her and himself for not believing you. He apologized and kissed you. You two left and when she tried to come up to you again Oliver put his arm around you and kept walking.

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Cedric Diggory

You were used to people being jealous of you being with Cedric. But when his girl best friend started being cold towards you, you started to get annoyed. One day you decided to just ask, "did I do something? Im sorry if I did, I just want to know." She looked you up and down slowly, "you took Cedric from me. You're gonna pay." You furrowed your brows and walked over to Cedric and told him what just happened. He looked over to her and told you to wait here. He came back a few minutes later and simply said, "they won't bother you anymore." You were curious what he said but he wouldn't tell you. True to his word though, she stayed away from you from now on.

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Tom Riddle

Tom didn't have friends, he had followers. Except you, you were the closet thing to equals he had and he actually cared about you, which made you different. When this girl you faintly recognized came up to you with some hogwash about Tom being hers you just walked away. She ran after you and punched you. You didn't retaliate, just kept on walking. You found Tom and told him what happened. That girl was never seen if heard again...

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Mattheo Riddle

You and Mattheo's girl best friend were partners for a potions project (partners assigned by the teacher) you were working on it after class when they turned to you saying you need to talk about Mattheo. You smiled and turned to them, but their expression was stone cold. They went of for 20 minutes about how special Mattheo was and how much they cared for each other. They ended by saying that they were destined for each other and although she knew you guys were together you were just an obstacle, easy to defeat. You left. You found Mattheo in the common room. You told him everything and the next day his girl best friend had a black eye and would not come near you. Clearly he didn't care about her as much as she thought he did.

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Credits: _l.e.v.i.o.s.a_

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