¹⁰⁸ smelling you in their amortentia

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- already lowkey expecting to recognize that it's you before class even begins
- steals glances at you from across the room as the lecture goes on
- does the little flash a smile, look down nervously, and then quickly flash another smile at you once you catch him
- rubs the back of his neck anxiously before leaning over his cauldron

- visibly relaxes when he leans over, nearly lets a sigh of relief that it's you

steps back and almost stumbles when he sees you lean over yours and flush bright red
- locks eyes with you and resists the urge to kiss you on the spot
- he's canonically an awkward hopeless romantic who loves Taylor swift, I don't make the rules <3

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- probably freaking out because he thinks he's gonna have to announce that he smells pastries and his mum's chicken dinner JFJDKAKSK
- looks around nervously as he steps up to his cauldron
- does a little nod at slughorn before pasting a smile on his face and taking a deep breath
- leans over and audibly mumbles, "fucking hell"
- lights up like a Christmas tree and swiftly describes his amortentia as, "home"
- smirks and sits beside you towards the end of the class and just, "you know I smelled you, right?"
- "what was yours? Did you smell me? You did, didn't you?😏"

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- has taken a liking to placing his hand on the small of your back when he's nervous
- shoots you a questioning look when you ask him what's wrong
- still rubbing your back while he just, "Oh! Nothing:) just- really hoping for something:)"
- genuinely doesn't know what he'd do if he didn't recognize you within the potion
- he falls for you quickly, and he falls for you hard- literally smacking his big of a head on the concrete hard. He's NERVOUS.
- squeezes your hand before standing and walking over to the cauldron, and all at once he loses the tension in his body
- had to keep himself from absolutely beaming as he walks back over to you
- 'You're smiling like a dork,'
"*Prideful* I know:)"

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- fully expects to smell absolutely nothing
- slowly loses the confidence written all over him after watching how happy everyone is once smelling the amortentia
- props his chin in his hand on the desk and doesn't give a second thought when your hand meets his free one
- finally looks down at you once your fingers intertwine with his own
- smiles sadly down at you once it's his turn to stand, but keeps his back towards the lot of the class so they can't see him
- looks SO confused when he finally leans over the cauldron
- 'what's wrong?'
While he pauses, sighs and finds your gaze before finally, "it's you,"

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- I feel like his would be a mix of fresh dew on grass after rain, his favorite flower, and you :)
- fully confesses that he believes it's going to be you before class begins
- "I just- I have a feeling, okay?"
Followed by crimson cheeks and soft laughter
- looks down at his hands instinctively once your turn rolls by because you peck his cheek before standing <33
- almost cries when you describe everything about him to a T
- he's just so IN LOVE
- closes his eyes for a couple of seconds after leaning in for his turn before smiling wholeheartedly
- 'your cheeks have to hurt. Neville-,'
"I don't mind:))"
- discreetly rubs the side of face when you turn away JFJDKSJS

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- "I already know it's going to be me, you're obsessed with me, duh-,😏"
- crosses his arms over his chest and smirks once you go up for your turn
- looks down at you once you walk back over, flushed red and avoiding his eyes
- "it was me, wasn't it? I'm bloody irresistible, aren't I? 😌"
- chuckles when you roll your eyes, but still takes the time to kiss your hand before letting go and walking over to the cauldron
- smiles like a goof and laughs before rushing back over to you
- kisses you right then and there in front of the entire class without a godd@mn care in the world JFJFJSJS
- "*breathless* I know it, I f^cking knew it:))"

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- anxious throughout the entire start of class, so he takes your hand and draws lil' shapes in your open palm
- actually gets so focused on drawing the perfect star he almost flinched when it's announced that it's his turn
- gives you on, "oops:)" look before standing and pausing in his place
- moves his thumb and forefinger to tilting your chin up towards him, just go flash a soft smile and walk over to the cauldron
- looks over at you after he smells the amortentia with the biggest sh!t-eating grin on his face JFJFJDJSJS
- he wouldn't smell your exact perfume or cologne; or your favorite gum you liked to chew- he'd smell the hint of snow in the air from the night you met, and hed know right away
- scrunches his nose once he starts to lean away just to make you smile again
- sits back beside you, takes your hand in both of his- and 'proposes' with a candy ring, he made. 100%.

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- barely pays attention for half the lecture because he's too busy looking at you JFJFISJS
- absentmindedly tucks a stray hair behind your ear once he notices it's falling out of place
- this man is just so mesmerized by you he probably forgot how to say amortentia by now HSHSHAHA
- would 100% have this hair in a messy ponytail as he walked over to the cauldron dear GOD
- smirks and turns to you before he even leans over & flashes a wink
- lil' brother Georgie learned from the best, also has the biggest sh!t-eating grin written all over his face as he walks back over to you
- whispers, "it was you, you know:)" while placing a chaste kiss behind your ear
- ^ does that right before you go up for your turn LMFAOOO

✩。:*•.─────  ❁ ❁  ─────.•*:。✩

Credits: ?

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