²² finding out your insecurities (while dating)

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Harry Potter

Harry came into your room and saw you crying. When you noticed he was there you wiped your eyes and put on a fake smile. He came over and sat next to you. "What's wrong y/n? You know you can tell me anything." You take a deep breath and tell him how you were feeling, all your insecurities and just let everything out. He lets you cry into his chest and 9nce you've calmed down a bit he sits you up and makes you look at him. "Y/n, listen to me. I love you, and that means every part of you. No matter what. "Thank you Harry. I love you so much." He kisses your forehead. "I love you too."

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Ron Weasley

You guys were in the great hall and Ron noticed that you weren't eating as much as usual. "Hey love, are you feeling alright?" You say yes and that night he brings it up again. When you say you're fine once again, he can tell your lying and sits up. "Come on y/n, you can tell me. You know I'm always here for you." You look at him shyly and tell him how you were feeling. He sighs and says. "I didn't know. I don't know why you feel any of those things because you're amazing but I'm here for you if you need anything." You smile, "thanks Ron"

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Draco Malfoy

Draco found your diary. He wasn't going to read it but he just couldn't help himself. When he read what you thought about yourself he was devastated. He went and found you immediately. He came up to you and kissed you passionately, not caring who was around to see. He held your hand and walked with you to your next class. "You're so perfect y/n. I love you more than I can express." You were speechless as this was very uncommon from Draco. "I love you too Dray." He squeezed your hand and went off to his class.

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Fred Weasley

You were hanging out with Fred and it was almost dinner time. You told him you had to go freshen up your makeup. He just laughed and said, "why you look great." You just smile at him and say, "we both know I don't." Then you head to the door but he stops you. "Y/n, what are you talking about? You're gorgeous. You know that right?" You tell him not to try and make you feel better and he gets annoyed. He spends the next half hour with you telling you that you don't have to change that you're perfect. "I wish you could see from my point of view. If you knew what you were to ne...you would never try to change." You know he's telling the truth and when he takes you to his bathroom to wash your makeup off you don't resist.

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George Weasley

George was having a bad day. He was feeling very self conscious and comparing himself to Fred. You were sitting in your dorm with him while he vented to you. When you told him you understood how he was feeling he looked at you confused. He saw you as perfect in every single way and hearing that you don't feel that way made him more upset than anything he was going through. You spent the day hyping each other up and both felt better for it. You slept in his dorm that night feeling the best you had felt in a long time.

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Oliver Wood

Oliver was noticing changes in your behavior. They were just small things but they were enough for him to check if you're okay. When you said no he took you to his dorm so you can have some privacy. You tell him what you're feeling and how it's affecting you. He holds you close stroking yoir hair telling you all the things he loves about you, ranging from physical to emotional and personality. You feel better but obviously it doesn't fix everything and that's okay. It's just nice to know that someone is there for you.

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Neville Longbottom

You were talking to Neville and somehow the conversation turned into you comparing yourself to other people in your year. Neville hated hearing you talk about yourself like this. He stopped you by kissing you. "What was that for?" You asked stunned. "You need to stop, you're amazing and everyone has good things about them and you need to focus on what you like." He went on pointing out all the great things about you, and there are so many!

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Cedric Diggory

Cedric knew you well enough to know when something's bothering you. He also trusted you to tell him or needed any help. That night you told him how low you were feeling and just started telling him all your insecurities. Even though he didn't think any of them were true he completely understood how you felt. He hugged you. "You don't need to worry about that, when I look at you all I see is, well, you. And I know that sounds cheesy but looking at you I don't notice any of those things. When I'm with you I just see the person I love more than anything else in the world." His words brought you to tears (good ones) and you asked if you could stay with him tonight. He happily said yes and you feel asleep in each other's arms.

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Tom Riddle

You were looking at yourself in your mirror critically when Tom came into your room. "What on earth are you doing?" You jumped not realizing he was there, "oh, um, nothing." He scoffed, "clearly it not nothing otherwise you would just tell me. What's going on?" You tell him how insecure you've been feeling lately. "Why? You're great. I like you otherwise I wouldn't be with you, so you got nothing to worry about." You smile and nod feeling a bit better as some of the weight lifted from your shoulders.

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Mattheo Riddle

You and Mattheo were watching a movie and it was the part where the quirky main character gets their glow up. You desperately wish you could look like that and Mattheo notices your body language change. He pauses the movie and asks if you're alright. "I just wish I could be like them." He was upset you felt that way. "I don't. I like you. And I'm with you. Not them, not anyone else. I don't want you to be someone else. I want you to be you, flaws and all." You smiled happy that he felt that way. "I love you Mattheo." He kissed your forehead. "I love you too y/n." With that you hit play on the movie feeling a bit better and less jealous because you had Mattheo, something that character would never have.

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Credits: _l.e.v.i.o.s.a_

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