¹¹³ when they fall asleep on you

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Harry Potter

Ron Weasley

George Weasley

Fred Weasley

Neville Longbottom

Cedric Diggory

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—Harry Potter—

Quidditch practice had just ended, and Oliver decided to focus entirely on seeker drills to make sure Harry was ready for their next match. He had a great practice, but he in particular was exhausted coming back from the pitch. He doesn't even bother showering before meeting you in your dorm, so you bring him to the bathroom and help him undress a s wash the dirt and sweat from his skin and his hair. By the time you're finished massaging his scalp as you wash his hair for him, he's completely relying on you for the rest of the evening. He's about to fall asleep standing on his feet, so you hand him pyjamas to change into and then guide him to your bed, cuddling with him under the covers. He literally crawls on top of you, his face nuzzling against your chest and getting you all wet with his damp hair, but it takes him .2 seconds to fall asleep, which is so unusual for him. You succumb to sleep not long after, knowing there's nothing else you can do for the night unless you want to be a monster and wake the sweet boy who's trying to use you as a while mattress.

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—Ron Weasley—

If there's one member of the Weasley family who is not at all a morning person, it's Ron. No matter how much he slept before, it's always a struggle to get him functioning in the morning, and even harder when he's had a rough night's sleep. You're sitting beside him in the great hall, trying to get some food into him knowing it'll help wake him up, or at the very least a few sips of coffee before your first period. You feel him head on your shoulder and don't think much of it, it's very normal occurrence that early in the morning for him to rest against your body, but then the fork falls out of his hand and he doesn't seem to rect at all. You see Fred snickering at him from across the table and look down, seeing Ron with his mouth hanging slightly open and fast asleep on your shoulder. You decide not to wake up, he clearly needs some extra sleep before a day of classes, and shift so that he's more comfortable against you. You only wake him up when it's time to go to class, and already have a muffin packed away in hid bag for later knowing he didn't have a chance to eat breakfast.

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—George Weasley—

Sleepy, snuggly George is a version of George you know very well. He's constantly pulling all nighters, whether he's setting up pranks or working on products or, rarely, getting his homework done. If he didn't sleep in your dorm with you, or have you sleep in his dorm, chances are he didn't sleep at all. Which means by the time classes are finished, he's completely drained and desperately in need of a nap. You were sitting in the common room with him, Freddie, Lee, and a few others you're both friends with when he starts to lean closer to you on the couch. Slowly, he inches himself closer to you until he's completely slumped against your side, his head resting comfortably in the crook of your neck, his soft, warm breathes tickling you ever so slightly. You can feel every breath that escapes his lips, whether it's one of his content little sighs or an amused puff of air at a joke someone made, he's close enough for you to feel it. Soon, you cam feel his breaths evening out snd know he's fallen asleep. You know you had a part in lulling him to this state, rubbing his back and mumbling in his ear, but you're still amused that he managed to sleep in such a loud environment, and touched that he trusts you to keep him safe from everyone in the bustling common room while he rests.

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—Fred Weasley—

Fred is a very touchy guy, so it's no surprise that when he's tired he will cling to absolutely anything. A pillow, a blanket, George (much to his chagrin). Fred's arms wrap around it like the world is about to end. But his favorite thing to practically attach himself to is you. You're in the library with him and he's been begging you to leave for about half an hour. You got there forty five minutes ago. Eventually, he gives up begging and wraps his arms around your waist, still giving you enough movement to work but satisfying his need to hold you. You're sitting in the back corner of the library, and the place is pretty empty so there's nobody to see him when soon after he wraps himself around you, his head falls against your back and he starts drooling slightly. You giggle quietly, finishing your work quickly as you can and only waking him once all your things are packed away and you're completely ready to leave. Before madam pince can find him dozing off in the library and snuggled up again you, you take him back to his dorm, arms linked and him leaning slightly against you as you walk. Once you get there he collapses on his bed and you climb in beside him, playing with his hair while he rests his head on your chest and slowly falls back to sleep.

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—Neville Longbottom—

It was exam season and everyone in the school was exhausted all the time. Even the professors seem to be struggling and can't wait for few weeks of. Neville was studying with you in the courtyard, it was a perfect spring day outside. You were mostly doing written work for the moment but every once in a while you would quiz each other with a few questions to keep it a little more fun. You feel him lean against you but for a while he was still asking you questions and you just thought it was a more comfortable position for him. About twenty minutes pass and neither of you had spoken, so you decide to quiz him. You ask him questions about transfiguration and he doesn't respond so you ask again. Still nothing. You assume he just doesn't know the answer and you turn to look at him and tell him what it is, but you find him fast asleep on your shoulder. You smile and kiss his forehead, going back to your own work until he wakes up. When he does, he's all groggy and out of it so you bring him back to his dorm and he makes you cuddle with him until dinner.

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—Cedric Diggory—

Cedric refuses to admit that he's tired. The poor boy has bags under his eyes and can't see to concentrate on anything other than insisting that's he's fine. You have to lean against him for a bit to coax him into resting his head on top of yours, but seconds after he's done that his eyes fluttering shut and in a moment he's completely asleep. You wait a little while, giving him time to fall into a deeper rest before moving your head out from underneath his and readjusting do he used your shoulder or chest as a pillow instead. He barely even stirs he's so tired. His friends notice the two of you after a while and come over to poke fun at him, but even their boisterous laughs and a few of them booping his nose or sticking a finger in his mouth (like come on justin?) He doesn't wake up at all. So you're stuck with Cedric passed out on you for the foreseeable future but really, how else would you have it?

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