¹¹⁴ when you cry

741 11 0


Harry Potter

Ron Weasley

George Weasley

Fred Weasley

Neville Longbottom

Cedric diggory

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—Harry Potter—

You were having a rough day, and it was finally coming to an end. You couldn't be more relieved but it was still wasn't quite over a d you were as tense as ever. You barely made it through dinner without breaking down and you slowly started to let your guard down as Harry walked back to your dorm with you. He's excitedly telling you about his day (which has clearly gone much better than yours had) and is sort of oblivious but once he finishes speaking he looks over at you with a grin and his face falls do quickly as your lip quivers looking at him. "Y/n love, what is it?" And then you start crying. He "aw"s softly and pulls you into his chest, guiding you to the wall and sliding down into a sitting position against it with you in his lap. He let's you cry it out, stroking your hair and whispering little words of encouragement yo you until your sobs finally dissipate. "Did something happen?" He whispers. You shake your head. "Just a bad day then?" He hums and you nod. "Alright then, kitchens are only a few halls away, you wanna get dessert and take it back up to your dorm?" You agree and he helps you off the floor, keeping his arm around your waist as you head off to the kitchens.

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—Ron Weasley—

Ron tended to get into arguments with people quite a bit. He's so stubborn and he has trouble letting things go, so even when he doesn't care anymore he'll argue until the other person gives up. You were arguing over the dumbest thing, you couldn't even remember what started it, but he hadn’t stopped talking in about five minutes and you couldn't manage to get a word in. It got to a point where you felt yourself tearing up even though you were putting all your energy into not crying. You don't want him to see you cry over a stupid arguing so you try to just walk away but he shouts after you. "You're not just gonna walk away from this, y/n!" He reaches out to turn you around and freezes at the way you tense up at his touch, suddenly realizing he's taken it too far. "Y/n?" You look up at him and he sees the tears in your eyes and he feels himself choking up at the sight of it. He's exhausted from arguing too and he hates fighting with you. All the things you said to each other are catching up with him. "Y/n I'm so sorry, love. I'm an idiot." "Yeah," you agree, chuckling through your tears. You let him pull you closer and youlay in bed in each other's arms, falling asleep together without another word. You can work it out once you wake up and you've both had time to recover.

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—George Weasley—

There was huge potions test coming up and you were really struggling with the topic it was on. You spent your whole weekend studying and George was struggling too, between his desire to let you be and his separation anxiety. He decides to quietly accompany you in your room while you study, knowing he'll be bored but hoping  it'll calm his nerves from not seeing much of you lately and that he'll be there to help you if you need it. The second he walks in you look up from your books and your lip starts to quiver. His eyes widen, thinking he did something to make you cry and starts to back out of the room. "Oh, darling, should i- do you want me to leave?" He asks weakly, you shake your head, having trouble speaking while you try to hold back the tears, a few drops running down your cheeks already. You reach out for him and he rushes to your side, realizing he's not the problem and letting you cry it out, rubbing your back soothingly and whispering comforting words to you. Once you recover you try to show him what you were working on that sent you over the edge, and his eyes light up. "This is just like something we did for one of the shop products, and you're already so close. If you cut these up a bit different-" he'll finish it for you, seeing how exhausted you are from crying and all the work you'd already done, but he explains every step so you can repeat it on the test. Once he's finished he scoops you up and places you on the bed, snuggling under the covers beside you and letting you fall asleep on his chest.

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—Fred Weasley—

Fred often didn't realize when he took something too far. Usually you laughed at the jokes he made, even when they were at your expense. You knew he was never serious and it was never his intention to hurt your feelings, but this time just felt different for some reason, and he'd said it in front of all of your friends. You force a smile and wait a minute before leaving so nobody would catch on to how you were feeling. But Fred follows you off, just eager to spend time with you. "Y/n, slow down!" He giggles, trailing behind you. He grabs your arm playfully and you shy away from him. The smile is wiped clean from his face. "You alright, sweetheart, you're looking a but peaky?" A chocked sob escapes your lips a d he looks at you in shock. "Oh no, come here my love, don't cry. Tell me what's wrong, I'll kill whatever it was I swear-" "did you mean what you said before?" You ask weakly, avoiding his arms, which falk to his sides at your question. "No, y/n, of course not! I thought you laughed, god, I'm so sorry. I didn't realize." You sniffle "it's okay. It was funny, I'm just being stupid." "No, it's not okay. Let me make it up to you, you're perfect y/n. Absolutely perfect and I'm so sorry I made you feel otherwise." You finally let him wrap his arms around you and cradle you against his chest. He spends the next week(at least) making sure you feel like the only person in the world who matters to him.

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—Neville Longbottom—

You'd just found out you failed an exam you were sure you aced, and the let down of it was really bothering you more than the actual grade. Neville was taking that class, but he knew you were looking forward to getting the exam back. When you see him after class, he smiles hopefully at you, ready for you to ramble on about what good of a grade you'd gotten but then he notices how wet your eyelashes look already and his expression changes to one of concern. You start to sob when you see his face, and he immediately pulls you into his arms, waiting for you to be ready to tell him about it and planning how he was going to pick up your mood. After a few minutes you collect yourself and are able to shamefully tell him about your grade and he shrugs. "It's flitwick's class? He's the nicest man alive, and you're one of his favorite students. He'll let you retake it and give you extra help before, I'm sure of it. I'm sorry though, bug. I know you thought it went well. Should we head to the kitchens and find something to eat while you wallow or should we head straight to my dorm? I don't think anyone else will be in this early and I have plenty of leftover sweets from honeydukes." He's able to make you feel better about it instantly, and while you're still upset about the grade, candy and cuddles from Neville can make anything hurt less.

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—Cedric Diggory—

You and Cedric were hanging out in his dorm, maybe slightly intoxicated, giggling to yourselves as you cuddled on his bed. "And than she said, oh, what did she say?" He laughs, face scrunching dramatically as he thought. He looked so perfect. "Y/n, I can't remember what she said!" He giggles, throwing his head backwards as he laughed. You were suddenly overcome with emotion, overwhelmed by how gorgeous Cedric was sitting beside you, tears well up in your eyes and you sniffled, which drew Cedric's attention back. Seeing you upset seemed to sober him up a little and he cupped your cheek affectionately. "What's wrong, my darling?" "You're so pretty!" You choke out, unable to take your eyes off of him. He looks at you, confused. "Yes, but why are you crying?" "Because you're so perfect! And you're my boyfriend! My pretty boy!" You cry, emphasizing the word 'my'. He blushed, softly kiss8ng away your tears. "And you, my darling, are the prettiest of the all. Even all snotty crying like this, Would you like a tissue?"

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