¹¹⁵ love languages

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Harry Potter

Gift giving + acts of service

Harry is used to being shown love through receiving gifts. Everyone he's sure has loved him has given him one, Sirius, Ron, Hermione, McGonagall. He picks out his gifts for you so carefully and is always touched when he receives one from you, even if it's an oddly shaped rock you found in the forest that made you think of him. He's also pretty deprived of acts of service, among other things from growing up at privet drive. He'll do anything to help the people he loves because that's what he wishes he had as a kid, and he'll come completely undone just finding that you just made his bed for him while he was in class.

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Ron Weasley

Acts of service + quality time

Ron grew up surrounded by so much love so he's very perceptive when it comes to that and responds well to every love language. However, his main love language is acts of service, and it's hard to notice at first. His own life can be such a mess sometimes, he's pretty disorganized, but as he let's you closer into his life you realize it's because he exerts so much energy taking care of his friends and family he has almost no time for himself. When you help him o<t in return he falls impossibly deeper in love with you. He also loves to spend time with the people he loves, inviting them to his home over holidays and being sure to schedule out time for them, even if it means overlooking schoolwork.

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George Weasley

Words of affirmation + physical touch

George often feels overshadowed by his siblings, particularly Fred. He loves them to death, obviously, but he can't help but feel like he's second in line to the ones hes close in age to. Percy: the perfect prefect, ginny: the girl their mother always wanted, ron: helping save the Wizarding world with the boy who loved, and fred: the expectation George could never meet. Hearing you tell him that he is loved reminds him of his siblings' success doesn't diminish his own. He also craves physical touch. He likes to know you're there, and an action as simple as placing his hand on your shoulder, or you softly kissing the tip of his nose means the world to him.

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Fred Weasley

Physical touch + gift giving

Fred isn't great at expressing his feelings, and especially not through words. It's n9t that he's ashamed of them or anything. He just doesn't like how uncomfortable it makes him and isn't ever sure what he would say if he was comfortable. So he expresses his love through touch, the same way he expresses his anger through sudden movement and his sadness with lack of eye contact. He's big on hugs, and with you he's big on whatever allows him to have any physical contact with you at all. Whether it's a hand on your thigh while your side beside each other or having you completely wrapped up in his arms, Fred can't get enough of it. He also loves giving gifts, usually handmade until he and George open the shop and he can afford to spend more money. Even then, he loves the intimacy of making you a gift by hand. And you receive plenty of homemade gifts ranging from shop products to jewelry to messily knitting socks to painted rocks.

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Neville Longbottom

Words of affirmation + gift giving

Neville grew up being told he wasn't enough and that really took a toll on him, especially in close relationships, being explicitly told how much he's loved by you makes his heart flutter and sets his cheeks ablaze, which makes you giggle until his entire face goes red. He also likes to give you little gifts all the time, usually coming back from the greenhouse with either a single flower or an entire bouquet depending on the day. He also loves hogsmeade trips because they mean he has an opportunity to go buy you something, and he gets you candy from honeydukes every time in addition to whatever else he gets you.

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Cedric Diggory

Quality time + physical touch

Cedric shows his love by making time for you. He's pretty busy, and he has to divide his time between classes, quidditch, and the numerous friends he cares about. He loves spending time with you alone, and it always makes for some his favorite moments and memories, but he also loves to see you getting along with his friends, and at (playing in or watching) his quidditch games, and sitting beside you in class. However, he finds himself getting a little jealous on occasion when you're hanging out with him and his friends, and he finds that physical touch helps him chase off those feelings, and also thinks it reminds everyone around him that you're devoted to him, and not anyone else.

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