³ your mood swings

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-your 7 months pregnant
-you guys were in his bed and you guys were sleeping when you suddenly sit up and start crying
-he rubs his eyes
-M: love hey what's wrong?
-sits up and holds you
-Y/N: I'm hungry
-he smiles and kisses your forehead
-M: what do you want love
-you look at him and sniffle
-Y/N: chocolate frogs
-M: but we don't have any
-you start crying again
-Y/N: I know that's why I'm crying
-he puts your head on his chest and strokes your hair
-M: ok love I'll be back soon as I can
-he stands up and puts on a shirt
-Y/N: where are you going?
-kisses you before putting his shoes
-M: going to get you chocolate frogs
-you smile and he leaves
-he comes back after 15 minutes with a whole bunch of chocolate frogs
-he dumps the bag on the bed
-kisses you then puts his hand on your stomach
-M: what's she doing?
-you kiss him and hand him a frog as he lays down and gets close to your stomach
-Y/N: better now that your back
-M: Hello little princess, I know you can hear me this is daddy talking I love you and can't wait to meet you in a few months
-kisses your stomach then kisses you before falling back asleep with you in his arms



-you guys were at the burrow and you were in his room
-he walks in and sees you "sad" on the bed
-walks over and hugs you
-R: what's the matter love, why are you sad?
-pushes him off and glares at him
-R: lo-
-Y/N: I'm not sad, I'm freaking hungry(mhm y/n meet Stefan Salvatore 🙄✋)
-looks at you
-R: well we can goget some food love, what are you hungry for?
-you hug him and start crying
-Y/N: I'm sorry I was mean, c-can we get a burger/salad
-he kisses you
-R: no its not your fault, you weren't mean I love you
-he takes your hand and helps you up
-looks at your stomach and sees that you popped (your stomach wasn't that big last night)
-bends down
-R: love when did you pop?!
-you look down
-Y/N: uh I don't really remember I'm sorry
-stands up and kisses you
-R: no no that's okay love, come on I'm starving
-you guys take the floo network to the three broomsticks
-you guys sit down and eat
-R: love? When are we going to find out the gender?
-Y/N: we can schedule an appointment
-he kisses you
-R: I love you and her or him



-you were in the kitchen making lunch while he was outside planting in your garden
-you actually drop a cup and it breaks
-he hears it and runs in
-your crying so he runs over to you
-N: darling are you ok?! Are you hurt?
-you shake your head and sniffle
-N: what's re you crying darling?
-Y/N: I broke y-your plant cup
-you start crying harder and he hugs you tightly
-N: no love don't cry its ok I didn't even like that cup anyway
-he kisses you and takes you to the couch
-N: sit here, I'll finish the lunch and clean up
-you stand up
-Y/N: no I can cle-
-N: no darling you need to rest for a bit, I'll clean
-he finished cleaning and making lunch
-walks over and sits next to you on the couch
-N: how's the soup?
-you smile at him
-Y/N: it's great thank you
-you guys finish eating
-N: love?
-Y/N: hm
-N: I saw somewhere something that is supposed to well feel nice, may I?
-he gets behind you wrap his arms around you and holds up you baby belly
-you let out a sigh
-Y/N: it's like 15L takes off me
-N: your so strong having to carry this much weight
-kisses your cheek
-you get mad at him after he lets go
-but later you forgive him
-lays down on the bednext to you and starts reading to the baby about plants as he does every night



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