¹ 𝘼𝙧𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙙 𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙧𝙞𝙖𝙜𝙚

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***you don't go to hogwarts because of your father, you'll find out more about it later in the series!!***


Mattheo Riddle

Purebred. That's all it took for the Riddles and your father to force you to marry Mattheo. You had no idea who he was, the only thing you knew about this biy was that he was the dark lords son so pretty obvious he's evil. After you found out about the marriage you cried all night in your mother's arms, she didn't want this for you but it wasn't up to her. Your father controls her and you. He planned it and he couldn't wait to get rid of you. The days past quickly and it was time to send you away to the Riddles. Walking down into the foyer of your father's manor was the worst thing you've ever had to do, seeing them all standing there with your bags made your stomach clench. You fought back your tears but once you stood beside your mother just moments before getting shipped away you cried. "Y/n, go" your father growled at you. You looked at your mother with pleading eyes as you walked over to the Riddles. "Ah now we should be on our way. So say your final goodbyes, you'll never see them again" you waved to your mother before one of the guards grabbed your arm and shoved you into the car next to Mattheo. He wasn't too happy about this either. The entire car ride to the Riddles manor was dead silent. Once you stepped out of the car Mattheo followed. "You know I'm not happy about this either" he yelled from behind you. You turned around and looked at him with tears in your eyes before running to the room where the guards were bringing your bags. All you did was cry, sobbed into your pillow until no more tears were able to come out of your puffed up eyes. I'm 16! You thought to yourself. Suddenly there was loud banging at your door. You didn't answer so the person yelled. "It's dinner time, father wants you down right now" Mattheo yelled. He hated this just as much as you did. You cleaned yourself up and made your way into the dinning room. You were about take a seat furthest away from Mattheo but Mattheo yelled for you to sit next to him. You were trembling, sitting beside someone so evil, having to be married to him in 3 years and never seeing your family again. You held back your tears not daring to let them hit your cheeks the entire dinner until you were excused to your room, where again you sobbed your eyes out until you fell asleep cold and alone in the scary Riddle manor.


Tom Riddle
(Trigger Warning)

Being pureblood is horrible, you used to not even care about your blood status but now you'd wish nothing more than to be a muggle born once you found our your being forced to marry Tom Riddle. He's the definition of evil, he'll probably kill me as soon as I get there, you thought to yourself. You didn't cry, you've had you're fair share of torture so you don't cry anymore. You walked into the bathroom with a knife in your hand and sat in the bathtub, you sat there for so long debating whether you should kill yourself or not. You didn't, you did cut though which wasn't new. Your thighs and wrists were already covered so it's nothing new. Your parents could care less about you so they didn't care about you being shipped away. The day came and you walked into the foyer of your parents manor only to see the Riddles and there guards standing there. It wasn't Tom's idea it was his father's so he also hated this (ik ik but let's just pretend his dad is around). You didn't even look at your parents, you just followed the guard to the car, a few minutes later Tom got into the car beside you. "Touch me and I'll cut your hand off" he spat at you. You moved over so you were pressed right up against the door. Once you guys arrived at the manor your body instantly felt cold, something about this place made you uneasy. You walked in and looked around, it was beautiful but horrible at the same time. The guards showed you to your room, the first thing you did was go into the bathroom and cut, you had to feel something real. Once you finish you sat on the bed, you wanted to cry but nothing came out so you decided to walk around, you found a huge library so you looked around and grabbed a book. Tom walked in and shoved you to the Wallander wrapped his hands around your throat. "Touch my shit again and your dead y/l/n" you kicked him in the nuts and ran to your room. "Fuck you Riddle" you yelled before running into your room and locking the door. No surprise that he came screaming and banging on your door. "I'll kill you, fucking bitch!" He yelled at you. You were clearly terrified, he's the most evil wizard in the world so how couldn't you be! But didn't let it show. You layed down and eventually feel asleep, missing dinner but it was okay since you didn't have to be near them for a while longer.

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