⁴ your father comes to visit

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****possible trigger warning****

Mattheo Riddle

Philophobia, the fear of falling in love. The more time you spend with Mattheo the more you start to like him. You tell yourself that you're not falling in love with him but in reality your both falling in love with each other, and it's terrifying both of you. It has been a few days since you told Mattheo about your father. While a breakfast with Tom and Mattheo, Tom said that he had gotten a letter from your father saying that he'll be coming by this afternoon to make sure everything is in order. Your stomach dropped. You put down your fork and your hands fell under the table. Mattheo looked at you sadly before grabbing your hand and squeezing it. "May I be excused?" Tom nodded and you ran to your and Theos room. You broke down sobbing until Mattheo came in and hugged you. "He won't hurt you y/n, I won't let him touch you I promise" you both sat like that until you collected yourself. "Y/N! YOUT FATHERS HERE!" Tom yelled up the stairs. Mattheo left already so you were sitting there alone dreading walking down those stairs to see the man who abused you your entire life again. You stood up shaking before opening your door and making your way slowly down the stairs. Once you got there you realized Mattheo wasn't there. "Y/n, have you been behaving? Tom do you give her beatings?" Tom looked at you and then Mattheo who was walking in. He stood beside you and you saw his hand clenched in a fist. "No we don't fuckinv beat her!" Mattheo yelled. He was about to lunge at your father before you grabbed his hand. He looked at you and then the hand before unclenching his fist and intertwining fingers with you. The rest of your father's visit was treacherous. He only talked about your brothers and how Tom and Mattheo should be beating you when you don't listen. Which clearly pissed them off. As your father was about to leave you muttered "finally fucking assholes leaving" which he heard. "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY TO ME!" He yelled and walked over to you. As he was about to hit you Mattheo ran over and pushed you out of the way taking the hit for you which ended up breaking his nose. You father left and you ran over to Mattheo. You bent down on the floor and helped him up, walking him to the bathroom to clean up the blood on his face. "Mattheo why would you do that?" You asked looking into his eyes. He cupped your face in his hands and smiled "y/n, I would take a million bullets, curtiatus curses, god I'd get hit by a fucking train before I'd let anything hurt you" He smiled. Your face were both extremely close to each other before you hugged him. "You didn't have to get hit for mr" "I'd take the killing curse for you y/n" you pulled away and looked at him

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George Weasley

You and George did your shopping for Molly the next day in Hogsmeade before driving the car back to the Burrow. You and George were surprisingly getting alone. You both didn't talk about what happened last night instead George put on the radio and you both sang along to some muggle songs. She looks pretty when she smiles. George thought to himself before mentally slapping himself in the face. He couldn't stop smiling at you. "Stop looking at you and keep your eyes on the sky Weasley" he rolled his eyes and diverted his eyes back infront of him. Once you guys got in view of the Burrow your heart sank. Your father's car was parked outside. George saw you stopped singing so he looked at you. Your face had gone pale. "Y/n, what's wrong?" His eyes moved from you to infront of him every few seconds. "My dad is here" he immediately got furious but also concerned for you. "It'll be okay, I won't let him hurt you" you looked at him and nodded before he parked the car and opened the front door. You followed closely behind him and once you walked inside you saw your father sitting on the couch sipping coffee. "Finally your here, I've come to see how it's going with your future husband, you punishing her when she's bad aren't you boy?" George's hand immediately clenched into a fist. You saw and quickly put his hand in yours he hesitated before intertwining fingers. "No we're not beating her" George mumbled "oh why on earth not? Does she not misbehave?" "No she does but that doesn't mean you fucking beat someone for it" He tried to go at your dad but you squeezed his hand telling him not too. A few dreadful hours later your father finally was about to leave. "And by the way boy if you do want to hit her I suggest the face." Just then he took his hand and slapped you hard across the face. Your eyes watered and George was done. "ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY! WHY WOULD YOU HIT YOUR CHILD!" He was just about to punch him when your wrapped your arms around him "please just hug me, please" he put his hand down and picked you up. "I'm so sorry I broke my promise y/n, I'll never hurt you, I'm so sorry" he kept on repeating

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