² you telling them your pregnant

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-you guys are in 7th year in hogwarts a few months away from graduation
-you were sitting in his dorm waiting for him to get back from classes when he bursts in all angry
-M: God I hate him, he gives me detention every fucki-
-Y/N: I'm pregnant
-stops talking immediately and stares at you
-your nervous about what he's going to say since he's in a bad mood
-Y/N: i-
-he cuts you off by kissing you
-looks at you
-M: your serious?
-you smile and nod
-he sits down on the bed and you sit beside him
-looks at your stomach
-M: lay down
-you lay down confused
-he gets all close to your stomach and puts his hand gently on it
-starts to talk to your stomach and you smile at him
-M: yeah I'm your daddy, and you have a very beautiful mommy
-kisses your stomach then moves towards your face
-M: thank you
-Y/N: for what?
-points to your stomach
-M: for that
-kisses you



-you guys are at the burrow and have been trying to have a baby since graduation
-he's laying on his bed and you get up to go to the bathroom
-you realize you haven't gotten your period for awhile
-you walk out of the bathroom
-Y/N: love?
-R: hm
-Y/N: what day is it?
-R: the 27th why?
-you go back into the bathroom and grab a test
-you walk out with a blank expression
-he sees your face and runs over to you
-R: love what's wrong? What-
-looks down at what you're holding
-jaw drops
-R: omg!
-takes the test out of your hand and looks at it
-R: omg
-you look at him and he hugs you tightly
-R: love! We're gonna have a baby
-you smile
-Y/N: you can't tell anyone yet though
-R: but I HAVE to tell Harry
-you shake your head
-Y/N: not yet
-he kisses you
-R: alright I won't, do you need anything?
-you shake your head
-R: OK but if you need anything at anytime I'll be out of here to get it okay?
-you smile and kiss him



-you guys are at your house
-you've been trying to have a baby for awhile but no luck
-he was in the garden and you were in the house thinking about how to tell him
-you decide to just go for it
-you walk outside
-Y/N: Nev?
-N: yes darling?
-Y/N: can you come here for a second?
-he gets up smiles and walks over to you
-N: what's up?
-Y/N: I'm pregnant
-you bit your lip and look at him
-he's shocked
-his eyes are wide
-Y/N: are you okay?
-he pulls you close and hugs you tightly
-he realizes he may have hugged you too tight so he lets you go
-N: I'm better than okay! Are you serious! We're gonna have a baby!
-he kisses you
-N: oh I can't wait to teach him or her about plants and how to cook
-hugs you again
-N: I love you so much
-bends down and looks at your stomach
-N: hi little baby! I'm your dad and you are inside your beautiful mom right now
-kisses your stomach then stands back up to kiss you
-N: thank you so much love



-you guys are at the burrow
-he's outside playing pranks with Fred
-you just found out and you went to go get him
-you walk outside and grab his arm
-Y/N: can I talk to you please
-G: in a little love I'm just about to prank Fred
-you get kinda sad
-you whisper in his ear "I'm pregnant George"
-looks at you
-G: omg are you serious!
-you smile and hand him the test
-he looks at it and has tears in his eyes (happy tears)
-he picks you up and hugs you tightly
-you wrap your legs around his torso
-kisses you a bunch of times
-G: I love you so much
-you cover his mouth
-he locks your hand so you uncover it
-G: why can't I tell him?
-Y/N: because I just found out and I want to be 100% sure before we tell anyone, please don't tell him
-he nods and kisses you
-G: I won't love
-he carries you inside
-you lay on his bed
-he looks at your stomach
-G: don't laugh at me okay?
-Y/N: can't make any promises
-he smiles and gets closer to your stomach
-whispers while he talks
-G: I know you can't hear me but you are such a lucky baby, you have the most beautiful and amazing mommy
-kisses you gently before cuddling you
-G: I think we'll make great parents

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