[Ch.11] Who..?

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/With the two male hedgehogs -  3rd POV\

"Sonic, I am still so fucking concerned. How did you stand on the water?! More importantly, you're terrified of water, how weren't you in a full ass panic attack?!" Shadow rambled on as he talked to Sonic. Sonic just took the bandanna off his neck and put the things Nine made back onto his shoes and gloves. Sonic just randomly stopped in his tracks as he remembered something. "That's.. actually very concerning" he mumbled to himself, and somehow Shadow still heard it.

"It is very concerning, Shadow! I should have been drowning!" Sonic suddenly turned towards Shadow with a very concerned look on his face. "Well, no shit, Sonic" he said, not really understanding why Sonic's so worked up. "No, no. You don't understand!" Sonic paced around deep thinking for answers. "It makes no sense.." he muttered and Shadow, who's still not understanding his concerns is waiting for an explanation. 

"Mind telling me why? I can't know what's not making sense, other than you being able to walk on water. I can't understand every situation just because I am the Ultimate Life Form" (Wattpad, it's not "I have the Ultimate Life Form", it's "I am the Ultimate Life Form", stop trying to 'correct' it, please.) "Shads, when I first arrived here and during my hunt for the prism, I could stand, run ect, on water because of these things on my shoes and gloves. The concerning part that doesn't make sense is why I could stand and run on water when these things" Sonic pointed at the middle of one of his gloves before continuing, "were on my bandanna" he finished and showed his brown bandanna and just put it back on.

"So, you could stand on water while the things that made you be able to stand on water were on your scarf and now you're questioning your life because of that?" Shadow asked not really caring about the situation. "Basically, just without the life questioning" Sonic said with a small laugh. (His laugh in Sonic Prime is adorable, it has my heart) 

/With Nine - 3rd POV\

Nine grabbed his communicator and listened to the messages. It was only one, and that was about Shadow saying he's concerned about how the fuck Sonic can stand on water, of course that also shocked Nine since he didn't know anything about Sonic being able to stand on water. Nine sighed, and talked into the communicator. "Where are you two?" he got a response immediately and it was Sonic, "Were on an island in the middle of the ocean. If you have been to the no ending sea with pirates, that's where you'll find us," was Sonic's response. "What about Shadow?" Nine asked the communicator. "I'm with Sonic"

Nine flew into a light blue portal and started searching for the two hedgehogs. Of course, it wouldn't be easy as he had to make sure no pirates spotted him and tried to shoot him down, and luckily, he reached the island with the hedgehogs with no trouble. "Can we go search for the prism now? I just can't wait to see what happens when we get all the prisms together" Sonic said excitedly and did a small dance. 

"Alright, there's only one prism here, as far as I know. And Nine, can you go and kind of, fly away so I can track down Dread and his crew with my shoes?" Sonic said. It was obvious he didn't have a specific plan, but it would work. "How can your shoes track down the prism?" Shadow asked the other hedgehog who just shrugged and said, "No idea".

Nine got into his plane and started to fly into the air, not only trying to stay away from Sonic but also looking for the prism himself. "How will we get there without me having to swim all the time? I can't stand on water like you" Shadow asked Sonic, who had a mischievous smirk on his face. "Sonic?" he asked and turned to the cobalt hedgehog, but let's say. It was too late. Sonic had picked up Shadow in bridal style and took off onto the sea. Now Shadow had no choice but let the cobalt hedgehog carry him.

"Why the fuck did you do that?" Shadow growled at Sonic who kept running. "What other choice did I have? Would you prefer swimming for hours, perhaps days, freezing and also having a chance of getting sick and wet, or would you let me carry you without you getting wet, it wouldn't take that much time, and you would be warm because of my body heat?" Sonic countered the ebony hedgehog. Shadow let out a small growl, but made sure to make himself at least comfortable in Sonic's grip. "Thought so, Shads" (..I took something random from the back of my brain, look where that got us, huh. OH WAIT- I STILL HAVE HOMEWORK- SHIT)

"Grr..! You hedgehogs! Stop there!" They heard a voice behind them. Sonic dropped his speed a bit to see who was calling and turned around. Shadow was about to jump out of Sonic's arms and attack the person if Sonic didn't hold in tighter. 

Now, what got Shadow so worked up, you might ask? Well.. it's what we've been robbed for. Do you remember Captain Shadow? If you don't, search it up. Yes, him. Shadow saw someone that looked identical to him and was about to attack his 'faker'. Oh wow, they ended up in the wrong portal. The portal to Dread was supposed to be the colour dark blue, not light blue. Whoops! Wrong ocean. 

[A/N: So uhm.. Guess what? Uh. I'm actually grounded again.. for another week up to Sunday.. Hey, don't blame me! I was grounded because I didn't want to go outside and stand for 2 hours. But I always sneak myself on my pc, so i'll try to update. Also, this chapter has almost reached 1000 words (Without a/n). Now, should I keep Captain Shadow and Pirate Sonic, or should I change the plot to keep it Sonic Prime? If I keep it this way, the book gets longer. If I change it the book will be shorter. Did ya'll also see the new leak? Sonic can now touch the prism and hold it without getting teleported! I'll make sure to add that detail in the future :) Until then, please stay patient for the next chapter.]

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