[Ch.12] Introductions in the ship

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"Let.. me go..!" Shadow growled and was still trying to get out of Sonic's grasp. "Shads..! Stop moving so much..!" Sonic had some troubles trying to keep Shadow calm, but unfortunately it didn't work. Shadow jumped out of Sonics grasp and jumped Cap. Shadow (Captain Shadow) while charging up a chaos spear. "SHADOW! NO!" Sonic shouted and charged towards Shadow trying to stop him before he hit Cap. Shadow with his chaos spear. 

Cap. Shadow waited patiently before whooping out his sword and those two just started sword fighting each other with a sword and a chaos spear. Sonic took the opportunity and grabbed Shadows arms and dragged him away.  "Let. Me. Go", "When you stop attacking hedgehogs that look like you or are you from a different universe, I will"  Shadow snorted and his chaos spear disappeared. 

[Uh, okay. There are no official names for the pirates, so pirate Sonic and the others will be p.Sonic, p.Amy, p.Knuckles ect. Basically just a p in front. Except for Shadow, he has Cap. in front.] 

"What kind of black magic is that?" Cap. Shadow asked the two other hedgehogs. Shadow and Sonic looked at each other and took a wild guess; they don't know what chaos energy is. "Whatever you do, don't say anything stupid" Shadow whisper-growled to Sonic. "Then don't use so much chaos energy. You're the one that's built by it," Sonic whispered back. They stopped whispering and turned to the right when they heard a fake cough to get their attention. 

"Oh, uhm... What are we gonna say to him?" Sonic said the first two words out loud and whispered the rest to Shadow. "Lie to him" was the response he got. Sonic was unfortunately a bad liar.. Oh wait, let's scratch that for the sake of this story. The new sentence is: Sonic was fortunately a good liar. 

"I'm sorry for his behaviour. When he sees someone that looks identical to him, he gets stressed and his only thought is to get rid of his copy- or  look-a-like. That stress makes him make and do random stuff, like that green thing he had earlier. There are no explanations why or how it happens, but at least it disappears when he's calmed down" Sonic was an excellent liar. He made it all sound true. And unsurprisingly, he fell for the lie. "I'll keep an eye on him. But for now, you two will stay here with us" Cap. Shadow gestured for them to follow after him, and they did. 

A few minutes later, another cobalt hedgehog came into Cap. Shadows office(?) in the ship. "Hey, uh. Captai-" he cut himself off when he saw the guests. "So that's what Knuckles was talking about. They do look identical to us. Well, do you two have an explanation or?" You guessed it. It was p.Sonic. P.Sonic whopped out his sword as if he was threatening them and pointed the edge towards Shadow, then towards Sonic. "At least let them explain first." Cap. Shadow said and rolled his eye, unfortunately not eyes, because of his patch on his right eye. "Right" p.Sonic said and put the sword back.

"What the fuck are we gonna tell them?" Sonic whispered to Shadow, who gave him a side-eye saying "since when could you swear?" "Don't give me that look, besides, it's not the problem. What do we say?" he whispered again. Shadow shrugged and asked "What were we gonna answer again? We can't answer questions without knowing the questions" Sonic made an "o" with his mouth as he forgot to ask about that part. 

"What you said earlier. I think it was around: 'When you stop attacking hedgehogs that look like you or are you from a different universe'. What did you mean about that, blue hedgehog?" Cap. Shadow got straight to the point and Sonic started sweating thinking of a response. "Can i just say that we travel through different universes?" he whispered to Shadow. "I don't travel universes as often as you do, so I have no idea about what shit you'll say" he answered.

"Well uh- it's complicated" Sonic started and p.Sonic sat down on a chair besides Cap. Shadow, "we can wait". "Well, it's a long story. A short version of it; first, what I meant earlier is that this dude right here and I travel to different universes. This is one of the thousands we've been through. And Shads here attacks people that look identical to him, that's why he attacked the uh- captain?" Sonic carefully explained, not wanting to reveal too much information.

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