Chapter 25

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Nina gulped, eyes widening as the colour drained from her face. "My lord," she squeaked.

He entered, closing the door behind him. "Nina, return to your chores. I wish to sleep in a clean bed before going to battle."

Nina shot up and curtsied. "Of course, my lord."

"Also, make sure to scrub the bath."

"Yes, my lord." She was about to make her way out when Meya spoke.

"Does the lord want... to have a good fuck... before he... goes to war, too?"

Nina froze, horrified. Meya's heavy, rattling breath was the only thing disturbing the silence. Slowly, Nina turned to look at the lord. His face was devoid of emotion, a single brow raised as he stared at Meya.

"Did you enjoy her? Did she manage to... satisfy your lust?" Meya's voice trembled with anger and sadness. "Why her? Was I not... good enough? Why—"

"She's raving, my lord," Nina interjected, panicking. "Please, pay her no mind. It's the fever talking."

"I'm not raving!" Meya screamed, triggering several violent coughs.

"Please, my lord, don't listen to what she says. Before you walked in, she actually confused me for Winnie—she's that ill."

"Winnie is—"

"That's enough," Lord Deminas stated. "Nina, go do your chores."

Nina curtsied. "Yes, my lord." She gave Meya one last glance before hurrying out of the room.

Lord Deminas approached Meya and sat down on the bed next to hers. He kept his gaze locked on her as he scrutinised her in silence.

"Are you here for... my blood? I don't think it'll... taste very good now." She panted, her lungs unable to provide sufficient oxygen. "You're better off... taking it from Nina."

"I'll take whatever I desire, regardless of what you say." He leaned towards her. "Be it a good fuck or—" Lord Deminas was cut short as he had to grab Meya's hand as it lashed out for his face.

"Nina's mine!" She coughed loudly, nearly choking on the phlegm. With tears in her eyes, from both the physical and emotional exertion, she looked up at the lord.

Something burned behind the usually cool grey of his eyes, and, despite the fever, Meya's blood chilled in her veins. Somewhere deep inside, her mind still worked, and that part was screaming, but the illness refused to hand over the reins.

"She's mine," she sobbed as tears ran down her face.

Lord Deminas' fingers disappeared into her red locks and grasped them tightly, pulling her head to the side so that he could whisper into her ear, "No, she's mine. Just as you are, and every other slave in this castle."

"I never agreed to... be sold like property!" More coughs, but the lord kept his grip on her hair, causing her to tug at it herself with each spasm.

"Property is not asked for permission."

Meya raised her free hand to her head, intent on dislodging him from her hair.

"Don't." His tone was low and dark, and his grip on her right wrist tightened briefly.

Meya's left hand floated in mid-air for a moment before she lowered it, her bottom lip trembling.

Lord Deminas let go of her wrist but not of her hair. "Any further ambiguities regarding your position?


He tugged at her hair, causing her to wince. "You may be ill, but you've shown me more than enough disrespect than I'm willing to accept. I asked if there are any further ambiguities regarding your position. Answer me properly."

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