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Someone smacks my back and I almost fall forwards from the force. I stumble back up and turn around to meet whoever smacked me, the person being Alex who has a huge grin on his lips.

"I heard about Juliana," he pauses. "We've all seen this coming but what made you finally change your mind about her?" Alex asks, containing his smirk.

"I didn't change my mind, Kiara is making us go together," I explain while gliding around to face him.

Alex smirks. "Well.. you still agreed," he jokes.

I push his hand off of my back. "Doesn't mean I'm happy about it. You should have seen it, Kiara practically begged us to go together," I add on.

"And you listened to her?" he taunts with a laugh.

"Just drop it, it's not a big deal," I state while dropping down to readjust my laces.

"When'd you decide you finally like her?" he taunts. He starts circling around me on the ice while speaking to try and get me dizzy, like he always does when I'm down low.

I tuck the rest of my laces into my skates and rise up. "Dude, shut up before someone hears you and thinks you're serious," I explain.

"Why do you act like Jules is the ugliest girl you've ever met?" he questions, now stopping himself in front of me.

"Because she is," I answer while moving off the ice to grab the goals. Alex follows behind to help out.

I'm always in charge of setting the ice up for practice, being captain and all. I don't mind it though, it's kind of fun putting everything together.

"Jules is beautiful, do you need some glasses?" he adds on.

"You're exaggerating," I state.

Juliana isn't beautiful, I don't know how many times I have to tell people that. She has the look of every other figure skater here. She has long dark hair, she's slim and short and she's got the same closet every girl in the town has. I've never seen her with an original outfit on.

I start to drag the end of the goal and Alex tugs at the other side to help.

"You do know how many guys are lining up to try and get with her, right?" he states.

"Yeah right," I reply, laughing to myself.

We lower the goal onto its designated side and go off to grab the other one.

Alex shuffles off the ice. "I'm serious dude, you don't know how lucky you are-,"

"For fucks sake Alex I'm not dating her she's just my date to this formal," I snap.

I'm sick of listening to him try and be a matchmaker. Especially a matchmaker for Juliana and I. Lukas and Juliana, Luke and Jules, L and J... it just doesn't have a ring to it and it never will.

Alex lifts one side of the goal and I lift the other.

"Fine," he pauses. "I just don't understand why you two hate each other so much," he questions.

We slide the goal across the ice and skate up to catch it.

I ignore his question, which I heard clearly. I don't feel the need to explain anything to him. Even if I wanted to, where would I start? Juliana has done way too many things to count to make me hate her and I don't think Alex wants to sit here for five hours straight while I document the last eighteen years of my life hating Juliana.

"Do you know where all the spare pucks are kept?" Alex asks.

"They're usually over by the storage room," I answer.

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