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It's our first week back at practice since winter break and I'm already exhausted.

Taking two weeks off is a blessing and a curse inside itself. I always come back ready to play but I get so used to just sitting around so that all of the cardio winds me sometimes. It only takes a couple days for me to get back into my usual routine though which I'm grateful for.

"I'm not ready for practice today," Alex states from across the room. I glance over and watch as he throws his jersey over his padding and plops down next to me.

"Neither am I," I agree as I tighten my laces.

As much as Alex and I bitch about not wanting to practice or not getting another week off, we're some of the only ones that can bounce back quickly after being gone for so long.

The rest of the team takes this whole week as a pick up to gain their speed back because for some reason, they just lose it.

I grab my other skate and tug it onto my foot.

"I heard that Coach is going to make us run laps around the stadium," Alex suggests.

"Detz never does that. Who'd you hear that from?" I question, slightly scared about whether or not we're running laps.. we never run.

"Grant, he said Coach said something about it before break," he states.

"Hopefully Grant is making that up because as much as I love running, this is hockey, not track," I joke as I finish tightening up my laces. I grab my nearby jersey and slide it on over my padding and then place myself back down next to Alex.

As Alex tends to his skates, I take in the usual locker room chatter.

As much as I love having a break, being back at the rink will always make me happier. The rink is like a second home to me since I'm here so much. I've been coming here, every weekday, for the past sixteen years of my life. I was only two when I started playing hockey but the second I could walk, I could skate.

Hockey is the other half of me, it's what makes me, me.

As cheesy as that sounds, it's true. I really don't know what I would be like if I didn't play hockey. I'd probably play football or something but that's not really something that sparks my interest much. Not that it's a bad sport but it's not something I could see myself doing.

What I can see myself doing is winning a Stanley Cup.

It's my main goal in life.

I remember when Alex and I were younger, we would always play field hockey in my backyard and we'd pretend to have tournaments against each other. Sometimes we'd let each other win if we were going too hard on each other but most of the time, we won that "Stanley Cup" fair and square, the Stanley Cup being an old plastic cup with the words Stanley written on it.

"Hey Luke, Coach wants you to help set practice up," Cam greets as he walks into the locker room to drop off his stuff.

"Can't you do it?" I question him since he clearly just got back from being with Coach.

"He called for you," he adds with a shrug.

I throw him a nod and start my way out of the locker room, only to be stopped by someone running straight into me.

"Watch where you're going, oh my god!" an angry voice shouts from under me. The familiar attitude clicks in my mind and I put the voice with a face, Juliana.

"Sorry you walked into me?" I spit back in a joking manner. She glares up at me once she realizes who she ran into.

"Ugh, it's you," she mumbles under her breath. She crosses her arms and focuses up at me.

"It's always me," I pester, mimicking her and crossing my arms then looking down at her.

"Whatever," she mutters as she tries to walk off.

"Wait," I turn around to grab her shoulder before she nudges me off. "What's wrong?" I question.

"You don't actually care," she states as she turns her back towards me to walk away.

"Why else would I ask?" I question to make her think.

"Just to mess with me," she pauses. "And I'm not in the mood for that right now so I'll see you later," she continues with a pout.

"I'm not messing with you, I actually wanted to ask what's wrong," I pause, leaving her no time to interject. "Sorry for being nice for once," I slightly joke to lighten the mood.

"Well," she takes a long pause before deciding whether or not to tell me what's bothering her. "I don't want to talk about it," she claims before darting into the girls locker room.

It's always something with her. She can never always be in a good mood or the whole world would explode.

Practice always dictates her mood for the day and clearly practice wasn't good or else she wouldn't be in the mood she's in right now.

Anyways, time to set up practice.


Aren't they so sweet !

( this is a joke )

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