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We have three minutes left on the clock which means we have three minutes left to break the tie.

The score reads 6-6.

We usually never come this close to a tie, it's always one team dominating the other.

This team has put up a fight though which is good for them but bad for us. It's only a matter of time before our team starts slipping up like they always do when practice runs late. If this game goes overtime, we're screwed.

I zone out of my daze as the buzzer goes off.

I swing my stick but miss the puck, allowing the other team a chance to grab a hold of it.

One of their buff members captures it and pulls it into their proximity.

I skate closer to them but before I can inch my stick over to them, they pass it over to another one of their members.

My eyes dart over to try and find the puck and they spot Alex holding it in front of them.

He looks around for a moment and then passes it over to Dylan who makes eye contact with me and throws it over to me.

I stare over at the gaol and realize how close I really am to it. This is my chance to win the game.

I collect the puck onto my stick and turn around to lock eyes with their goalie.

Their goalie is taking up eight percent of the net but there's some slight ways I could make the puck in if I think this over.

And then, just as my mind thinks of what to do, my hands are already doing it.

The puck lays on the bottom of my stick and I whack it towards the goal, completing a backhand shot.

The goalie doesn't get a chance to process what's happening as my puck has already slid past him, making me score our winning point.

The crowd grows in cheers as they process what has just happened.

My lips form a smile as I feel my team start pushing me around and chanting my name.

The crowd begins to do the same and my name grows louder and louder.

"LUKAS, LUKAS, LUKAS," fills every space of the rink.

I can't seem to contain my smile and it's starting to hurt my cheeks with how wide I'm smiling.

"You did it!" Alex shouts as he slams into me forcing me to crash down onto the ice.

"I did it!" I repeat back to him, not believing myself.

Last year we got our shit rocked by these guys and now, they got their shit rocked by us.

I'm just glad we finally won the game against our rival team, the Timber Bears.


I make my way over to the crowds of people to try and find my parents.

I push past dozens of angry Timber Bear dads who look like they're about to lecture their sons but I eventually place my eyes upon my own set of parents.

"I'm so proud of you!" my mom squeals as she squeezes me into a hug. She quickly releases as she feels how sweaty I am.

"Thanks mom," I reply with a stupidly big smirk.

"Did you hear all of the people chanting your name?" my dad asks me eagerly.

I nod. "I heard it but it all sounded so surreal," I reply.

Thin Iceحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن