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After everyone finished eating dinner, I still felt sweaty from skating so I decided to take a shower while everyone was beginning to pack their things back up.

I gather my clothes together and open the familiar door to the bathroom.

The empty hook becomes occupied by my towel and the floor becomes untidy from my clothes.

I switch on the shower and let the water heat up, checking myself out in the mirror as I wait.

I grow closer to the mirror to check my awake eyes. I usually have tired eyes and slight bags but for some reason I don't today? Maybe the Christmas spirit made them go away.

As I mess with my hair, the mirror begins to fog over which lets me know the shower is warmed up.

I slide open the curtain and allow the water to run over my body, drenching my hair.

I run my hands through my hair and reach for the shampoo but there's nothing there. I open my eyes and realize I forgot to grab it in the first place. My eyes find Juliana's shampoo but my brain knows if I use it, she'll kill me.

I switch the shower off and grab my towel off of the hook. I grab it around my waist and open the door, stopping once I hear a loud noise.

"Fuck!" Jules shouts, grasping her knee.

"Did I hit you?" I question, glancing down at her.

"What do you think?" she lets out, biting her tongue. The hold on her knee loosens as she begins to shake off the pain.

"I didn't think you'd be right there," I half apologize, looking back over to the door.

"Maybe next time don't open the door so fast!" she spits back, starting to take notice of me. Once her eyes fall on me, I watch as they gaze up and down my body with no shame.

"You're staring a little too hard," I pester, allowing a grin to appear on my lips. Her eyes make their way up to mine and stay there.

"You wish," she lets up, making sure her eyes stay locked on mine.

"I don't have to wish anything, you already were," I mutter back with a smirk. She rolls her eyes and glances away from me.

"Get decent," she adds, taking her full attention away from me.

"I'm about to get back in the shower," I state, leaning against the wall. I watch as her eyes jerk back to me but she forces them to look away. "Why were you trying to get in anyways? I know you heard the shower running," I question, knowing it'll annoy her.

"Ew it wasn't like that," she quickly interjects. "I was just trying to pack," she admits.

I follow her eyes as they meet mine again and watch as a smile forms on her lips.

"Sure you were," I chuckle. I walk over to my bag and grab my shampoo and what I hope is conditioner. I throw Jules one last grin and shut the door behind me, jumping back in the shower.


After I get out of the shower, I throw my clothes on and begin to loosely pack up my things.

I don't really care where each thing goes, as long as it comes home with me.

I flip over the top of my suitcase and call it a day with packing since I got most of my items shoved in there.

I rise up from the floor and plop myself down onto the bed.

"Do you mind?" Jules hisses. I glance over at her to see what important thing she could be doing but she's just on her phone with earbuds in.

"I don't actually," I state, realizing she has no reason to be annoyed with me. I feel her eyes as they glare over at me but I stay focused on the tv remote I picked up, beginning to switch through the channels.

I go to the usual sports channel and find a hockey game playing. I turn the volume up and begin to tune in.

I watch the two familiar teams go head to head with each other and not let each other score.

It's been five minutes now of just them skating around the ice without either of them letting up.

"Are you seriously watching hockey right now?" Jules speaks up, taking an earbud out.

"Why wouldn't I?" I slightly question, still focused on the game in front of me.

"Because it's your only week off?" she explains, genuinely confused. I glance over to her and realize she's right. As much as I do love hockey, Christmas week is the only full week I ever get off from practice.

I grab the remote and toss it over to her. "What do you want to watch then?" I ask. She pushes the remote back over to me with a confused face.

"I never said I wanted to watch something," she states, throwing me a face.

"You don't want to watch a Christmas movie or something, just to end the night?" I question, trying to lift her spirit. She glances over at me and grabs a hold of the remote.

"Fine," she lets up, beginning to switch through the channels. I watch as her face reacts to every show she doesn't like come on.

"Picky much?" I mumble, jokingly. She stops switching through the channels and glares over at me.

"There's nothing good on," she states, passing me the remote.

"You're not even looking at the movies, that's why," I grab the remote and switch to the rows of films. "Here," I add, passing her the remote again.

She grabs a hold of it and files through the movies. She stumbles on one, reads the description, and then switches over to another one. This cycle repeats for a while.

"Any day now would be nice," I joke, feeling her eyes on me again.

"Fine," she scrolls back up and clicks on Elf. "Since you voted for this one anyways," she finishes, throwing the remote at me.

"It's better than the Grinch," I state, throwing her a smirk. I take the remote and place it on the nightstand next to me as we begin to tune into the movie.

Half an hour in, my phone begins to buzz but I don't pay any attention to it.

A couple minutes later, it buzzes again and continues to buzz.

"Are you gonna get that?" Jules questions, taking attention over to my phone.

"No," I spit out as the phone continues to buzz next to me. She glances down at the phone, annoyed, and then glares back over to me.

"Then I will," she states, grabbing my phone. I watch as she switches it on and as her annoyed face falls into one of hurt.

"What is it?" I question, concerned by her quick change.

"You tell me," she mutters, shoving the phone in my face.

My eyes gaze over the multiple missed calls and texts from a familiar name that I know Jules isn't fond of. It isn't until I see the text that made her expression change.

Lacy: Did Ana end up believing your sob story?




I wonder what Lukas did..

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