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"Shoot it, shoot it!" Alex shouts at the loud tv screen. I glance up and watch as they play a familiar zombie game but pay no attention to it.

"I'm trying!!" Alex shouts back as he struggles with the controller.

I begin to zone out as my mind wanders back to earlier today.

I feel like shit.

I shouldn't have kissed her at that moment but something in my mind was yelling at me too. Now she probably thinks I kissed her just to shut her up, which isn't the truth at all.

There is something so familiar yet different about the way we kiss though.

I've kissed a lot of girls before, some I'm not so proud of, but no kiss has compared to the one between Jules and I.

Even though that kiss was so half assed, it still felt better than the many other ones I've had.

"Dude, are you good?" Alex turns back to question me. I snap out of my trance and glance over to him.

"Yeah I'm fine," I mutter. I sink into the bean bag I'm sat on and stare up at the ceiling.

"You sure? You've been quiet," Alex adds, finishing the level he was on.

"Yeah," I mumble, keeping my eyes on the tall room.

In the corner of my eye, I see Alex and Andy exchange a look before one of them decides to speak up.

"Is this about having to share a room? I already said sorry about that and I thought that-,"

"It's not about that," I cut him off before he can try to make something up.

"So it is about something then," Alex continues, trying to get something out of me. He lays down the controller and sets himself next to me on the spare bean bag. "Talk to us," he adds.

As close as Alex and I are, I really don't want to tell him the truth right now. I feel like he'll only make fun of me and boast about being right about whatever he thinks he's right about.

"I just-," I pause, trying to make something up. "It's just seasonal depression, sorry to be such a bummer," I lie. I've never once had seasonal depression but apparently I do now.

"Oh," Alex utters.

"My dad has that, it's totally normal and nothing to be ashamed about dude," Andy joins in.

"I guess you're right," I agree to make this whole thing seem realistic.

"You don't have to hide your feelings, you know you can talk to me," Alex states with a welcoming smile.

"Of course," I add, patting his back as I get up. "I'm going to go down to the kitchen, do any of y'all want anything?" I question, trying to get away from this whole conversation.

"Nah," Andy throws out.

"Bring back some chips, I don't care which," Alex adds.

I throw them a nod and then make my way out of the dark, colorful room and down the bright, long hallways. I walk down the stairs and guide myself to the kitchen, getting stopped in the middle of the living room.

"Heyyy Lukass," Kiara slurs with a pathetic wave.

"Are you drunk?" I quickly question.

"Only a littlee," she drags out. She walks over to me and stumbles around before tripping onto Faye who I didn't even realize was there. The two of them start giggling and then shushing each other.

"Oh heyy Lukee," Faye greets with a drawn on smile.

"Why are y'all drunk on Christmas?" I question in a different way.

"Why not?" Faye questions with a giggle.

"Yeah don't be a lameoo," Kiara pitches in, throwing her weight on Faye.

"You guys have fun," I announce before walking into the kitchen. I hear the two of them stumble around before loudly making their way upstairs.

I walk over to the pantry and grab two random bags of chips and then open the fridge to grab three waters.

I make my way out of the kitchen but then stop myself once I hear a groan come from the living room. I look over and find no one as the other two left but I guess they left someone behind.

I place all of the things in my hand down on a side table and walk over to where the sound came from.

I hear the groan again come from a large bundle of blankets and my eyes find Jules, snuggled underneath them.

I walk over to the blankets and slowly take them off of her to uncover her face.

"Julie," I whisper, trying to wake her. I'm not letting her sleep on the couch no matter how mad she is at me.

"Mmm," she groans as she grabs the blankets to cover her again.

"Come on, you aren't sleeping down here," I state, uncovering her again to try and wake her from the cold.

"Mmm," she groans again. I let out a sigh and fully uncover her from the blankets which only makes her groan louder. I softly push the blankets off of her and scoop my arms under her legs and her back to lift her off of the couch.

She struggles around in my hold for a second before instinctively wrapping her arms around my neck to get comfortable.

"Warm," she mumbles into my chest. Her breath against my thin shirt sends a different shock through my body.

"I'm warm?" I playfully question as I begin to stride up the stairs.

"Mhm," she answers with a small nod. As I walk up the last step she snuggles her head into my chest which lets me know that she definitely doesn't remember what happened earlier today, she must have gotten drunk with them.

As I wander down the long hall, I finally come across our room and slowly open the door, making sure not to make any noise.

I walk her over to the bed and softly place her down under the blankets and onto her side of the bed.

As soon as I fully let her go, she reaches out for me again.

"Stay," she mumbles, half awake. I stand still and look down at her.

"Why do you want me to stay?" I quickly question. As I look at her tired self I know she doesn't actually want me to stay with her.

"You're warm," she admits, tugging on my shirt.

"Goodnight Julie," I murmured, ignoring her statement. As the words leave my lips, she groans and tugs on my shirt again. "Goodnight," I repeat, softly placing her hand down next to her.

"Mmm goodnight," she finally answers as she sinks into her pillow.

I walk over to the door and look behind me to see her quickly falling asleep. I open the door and softly close it behind me.

I don't think she knows that I'm the one she said all of this to.



He actually cares for her, sweet.

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