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The sun hits my face and forces me to bat my eyes open dismissing the fact that I was wildly comfortable between the two of my blankets.

I roll over to check the time, it shows it's ten thirty.

My notifications pile up on my lockscreen and I take a moment to attend to them.

I spot the group chat I'm in with Kiara and Faye and see that they're facetiming.

I rise up in my bed and join their call.

"...I ended up guessing on the last couple of questions and-," Kiara pauses. "Oh, good morning Jules!" she greets me.

I wave, still half awake. "Morning," I reply.

Faye decides to join in now. "We were talking about how the Physics test went yesterday because I'm pretty sure she was as lost as I was," she laughs to herself.

I smile. "I always preferred Chemistry, it was way easier," I mention.

"Speaking of Chemistry.. Faye heard something and I just wanted to ask you about it," she begins.

"What is it?" I ask.

Faye takes a moment before speaking. "I was talking to Alex last night and he told me about the reason for Lukas' black eye," she brings up.

"Yeah.. what about it?" I question, cocking an eyebrow.

Faye and Kiara smile. "You already know?" Faye asks.

"Yeah, I confronted him about it last time he was over for dinner," I add on.

Kiara's face becomes perplexed. "And you two aren't together? If a guy did that for me I would simply ask for his hand in marriage right then and there," she slightly jokes.

"No, it's not that big of a deal to me. He said he would have done that for any other girl and that I'm not special," I input.

Faye rolls her eyes. "He likes you.. I mean he has to-,"

"He doesn't like me and I don't like him. Nothing has changed between us. It was just a simple kind act of service, nothing more nothing less now drop it you two," I cut her off.

They're making this way bigger of a deal than it really is. Nothing has changed between Lukas and I ever since the incident and I'm not planning on anything changing otherwise. I mean am I supposed to leap into his arms and have him spin me around anytime I find out he stands up for me.. he's always been the one bullying me so I guess it's a good change but he better not be expecting anything in return.

A notification drops down at the top of my screen, it's a text from Roy.

Roy: I'm out sick and I need someone to run the tickets today for the game. Are you available?

"Roy asked me to help out with tickets for the game, do y'all want to go out and help?" I ask them.

Kiara and Faye respond at the same time. "Of course," and "Duh,"

I click his text to respond.

Me: Of course, I'll get there soon to set up.

Roy: Thanks a bunch. :)


I pull into the parking lot and park my car in its usual spot, the one closest to the door.

I decided to get here before Kiara and Faye because they aren't the biggest fans of bringing out tables and setting out food whereas I find it relaxing.

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