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I look around in my closet to try and find a dress that I could potentially wear this Saturday.

The formal had completely slipped my mind up until Faye said something about it yesterday.

I flip through my dresses until I land upon some possible options.

I have a black, mid length dress with long sleeves. It's what I wear when attending funerals but it can always have a second use.. right?

I pull the dress off of the hanger and flip around to show Kiara and Faye.

"Uhm," Faye spits with a judgemental expression. She eyes the dress up and down and shakes her head.

"Isn't that what you wore for my great grandmother's funeral?" Kiara mentions.

My eyes widen as she remembers. "Yes," I stumble out.

"Put that back," Kiara quickly adds.

I comply and hang the dress back up.

I swipe through a couple more items until I spot a hot pink dress. It's an off the shoulder build with a bunch of sequins and glitter covering the whole fabric. I wore this dress for freshman homecoming. Now looking at it, why did no one tell me not to wear it - this thing is ugly.

I decide to show them the dress anyways, just to see what they think about it.

Their faces mimic each other, their eyes widening and their lips plastering a fake smile.

"It's.. cute!" Faye lies.

"Be honest," I state.

"It's not the worst thing you've shown us, but it's not something you should wear to a winter formal," Kiara admits.

I nod in agreement and hang the dress back up.

I'm donating that as soon as I can.

I swipe through a couple more items until I reach the back of my closet and find the last fancy dress I own.

The dress sparkles an almost neon blue. The top half is covered in glitter and the bottom half is filled with tulle. I'm pretty sure I wore this dress back in middle school.

I jokingly grab the dress and turn it around to show the two of them.

"Oh wow! That's perfect!" Faye jokes.

I hold the dress up against me to show how much I've grown since sixth grade.

"It looks like it fits you perfectly," Kiara adds on with almost heart eyes.

I laugh along with them and then hang the dress back up.

"I need to give that dress to my cousin, she'd enjoy it and get more wear out of it than I can," I mention while plopping down onto my bed in between them.

Kiara lays back with me, Faye following her.

"You can't go in any of those dresses," Kiara admits.

"I'm aware of that," I say through a small laugh.

Faye flips through her phone and it catches my attention.

"What are you doing?" I question her.

"I'm going through my virtual closet. I have this app where you can take a picture of all of your clothes and it matches outfits or whatever," she pauses. "I'm seeing if I have any spare dresses you could borrow but it's not looking too good. I just recently sold most of my old homecoming dresses," she finishes while plopping her phone down.

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