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The feeling of the cold sheets mixed with the bright sun is enough to wake me up. You'd think the bright hot sun would warm me up, or at least the room, but apparently not.

As I become more conscious, I take attention to the arm that's still wrapped around my waist. I glance over at the curly headed boy and blink a couple of times to make sure I'm not having some sort of nightmare.

I just slept with Lukas Romero. Not slept but slept with him.

Who am I?

If I went back and told me from a year ago that this happened, she would have laughed in my face. She'd laugh even harder once she found out that he was cuddling me.

To be honest, he did keep me warm through the night so I'm not totally against what happened.

Ew, what am I saying?

I slowly pull his arm and roll it off of me, making sure he's still asleep. I slowly get out of bed and make my way over to my suitcase, grabbing a fresh pair of clothes. I walk over to the bathroom and quietly shut the door behind me, locking it. I lay my clothes on top of the toilet seat so that they're laid out for me. My hand instinctively grabs my shampoo, conditioner, and body wash and I place them in the shower.

I slowly turn the handle to the left and throw my clothes off, hopping in.

After fifteen minutes or so, I turn the water off and grab the nearby towel, wrapping it around me.

I begin to dry off and grab a hold of my clothes until I realize I left my pair of pants in my suitcase.

I let out a sigh and unlock the door, quietly opening it but seeing no use as Lukas is awake, staring straight at me. Of course the one time I come out in only a towel he's awake. I grab a hold of the ends and make sure it stays on tight, not wanting to take any chances.

"Sorry," he quickly mumbles as he turns himself away from me, taking attention to the opposite wall.

"You're fine," I mutter. I walk over to my suitcase to shuffle through my clothes, trying to find the specific pants I was looking for.

I didn't bring that many clothes so I know they have to be in here somewhere. I continue to shuffle through the same seven pieces of clothing until I eventually give up and grab a pair of black leggings.

I rise up and walk back towards the bathroom.

"I thought you left," Lukas questions. I turn to look at him and his eyes are still focused on the wall.

"What?" I question back. I take my hand off of the handle and turn myself to face him.

"I'm surprised you didn't end up leaving to sleep on the couch or somewhere else," he answers, glancing towards me but quickly looking away once he sees I'm still just in a towel.

"I was lying about that," I begin.

"About what?" he questions.

"I wouldn't have slept on the couch. I need the comfort of a mattress so if anything I would have forced you to sleep on the couch," I let out. I let myself into the bathroom to get dressed but keep the door cracked so that I can still talk to him.

"Of course you do, princess," he mocks. I can hear the sarcasm in his voice without even needing to see his facial expression.

"Shut up," I spit back. I throw his hoodie at his face, making sure to catch him off guard. I roll down my shirt and then step back into the room.

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