Traitor - Azula

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Shackles bound your wrists and ankles together as a spear was pressed against your back. Two guards either side of you and one behind you all escorting you to your fate. You were to be executed for your betrayal. The avatar had infiltrated the fire nation and your to blame. The throne room was grand red and gold covered the room. In front stood the beautiful and intelligent Fire Lord Azula, her blue flames separating the two of you. The guards escorting you threw you to your knees in front of the woman. Her smirk alone terrified you.

"Why did you betray your own nation? General Y/n?" Her words hurt even though they were all true. Worst of it all was you allowed it to happen.
"I can tell when it's the right time to switch sides. My loyalties aren't with the fire nation they lie with my survival," you replied looking up towards the woman. She laughed sadistically, walking down to you separating her flames creating a passage for herself. She lowered herself to your eye level hands behind her back.
"If that truly was your goal then you did the most stupid thing you could possibly of done."
You glared at her not replying. "Hmph....cute it's unfortunate you have to die,"
The woman grabbed your face and brought it closer to hers. As she did I turned my face to not look directly at her this caused her anger to rise and push me further into the ground.

From the guards to the shackles to Azula pushing you to the ground everything hurt.
"Do you have any Idea of What you have done!" She spoke re-adjusting her posture to stand up straight, pacing back and forth explaining the consequences of your actions.
"What you have done is treason! You have lost your honour, dignity and rank. You are nothing more than a traitor that is a crime punishable by death. And that is what you will do." Your eyes widened but what did you expect you allowed him to slip into the nation. The avatar is here because of you.
"Y-y-your highness this can be seen as an opportunity! The Avatar is in your nation this isn't neutral ground you will have the upper hand."

Azula stopped pacing and looked at you with a raised eyebrow, intrigued. "Explain," she demanded. You took a deep breath and continued, "If we capture the Avatar, we can use him to our advantage. We can use him as leverage against the other nations, or we can use him to end the war once and for all. We have the element of surprise on our side. I can help you catch him, but I need to be free."Azula looked at you for a moment, considering your words. Finally, she nodded.
"Very well. You have one chance to prove your loyalty to the Fire Nation. If you succeed, I will spare your life. If you fail, you will die." The guards unshackled you, and Azula gave you a nod of approval. You knew that your life was still in danger, but you also knew that you had a chance to redeem yourself.
"One more thing you can't leave my sight or if you do the deal is immediately off" you nodded in agreement, knowing that you had no choice but to comply with Azula's orders. You were determined to prove your loyalty to the Fire Nation and capture the Avatar.

A few weeks had passed and the final battle was only moments away. Ozai is to face the Avatar and Azula is to face her brother in a final Agni ki. This wouldn't be an issue however recently she's been slipping or has slipped. According, to a few guards she had started to slip after Mai and Tylee's betrayal but you had only started to catch on due to the fact you've apparently been getting her back on track to her former skill level. This slight issue won't stop her though, nothing will. 

You sat on the roof of the seating area hidden away as Azula confronted her brother and his water bender friend in the arena. Their fight went on, blue and orange flames colliding in a beautiful display of power and strength. She was wining and it was amazing to watch. Until...

"No lightning today? What's the matter, afraid I'll redirect it?" the banished prince yelled taunting the beautiful woman in front of him.
"Oh, I'll show you lightning!" She replied getting ready to fire the deadly bolt of electricity. Shit you thought as the bolt left her finger tips. You made with haste to get down to the arena. The bolt reached Zuko and he started to redirect it. He manages to deflect it with difficulty sending it back to azula. Her expression dropped as the lightning flew in her direction and a sharp pain shot through her right arm but she was never hit. You had jumped shoving her out of the way  barely missing the bolt yourself.

The princess looked up to see you lying on top of her still recovering from the dive.
"W-what are you doing!" She yelled.
"Saving you .... It's my way of proving my loyalty," you said getting up standing in a fighting position. "Besides if he can have a water bender in his team you can have me on yours," the raven haired woman smirked as she got up and looked over to her brother and his friend.
"This is where the fun begins," she laughed maniacally getting into a fighting stance once again. The two of you coordinated your attacks easily over powering the weakened Fire Prince. The water bender was a different story though she brought more difficulty but after many attacks you had rendered her unconscious. Azula called for a couple of guards to escort her brother and his friend to the prisons leaving the two of you alone.
"Why did you do it?" She asked you her piercing gold eyes staring at you with the same intensity as when you were first taken to her. However, this time you didn't hesitate to reply,
"Survival. I can't live without you Fire Lord Azula." She placed a hand in your cheek pulling your face closer to hers. She leaned in. Your lips touched. It was magnetising, she was magnetising. After, a few moments you pulled away and smiled staring into the eyes of the woman before you.
"Y/n.... Never jump in front of lightning for me again."
"I'm not sure I can do that my highness,"
"Do it and I'll personally see to it that you're executed." You laughed at her threat, "of course your highness i wouldn't have it any other way..."
"Good now we have a one hundred year war to win," she said grabbing you by the arm running to where the rest of the fighting was taking place.

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