Reunion scare - katara

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A few years after the war you proposed to katara with a betrothal necklace and she made you the happiest person in the whole of the four nations with a 'yes' and following that moment the two of you had gotten married

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A few years after the war you proposed to katara with a betrothal necklace and she made you the happiest person in the whole of the four nations with a 'yes' and following that moment the two of you had gotten married. As of what feels like a million years ago the two of you had decided to have a child with one another and as the due date grows nearer you can't seem to contain your excitement to any degree whatsoever. You sat down upon the bed ready to turn in for the night next to your wife.
"Are you ready for tomorrow?" She asked immediately your eyes opened and heart skipped a beat.
"Ready for what?" The words were rushed and confused causing katara to chuckle.
"The reunion picnic?" She said quirking a brow and all fear oozed out as quickly as it came.
"Oh that. Yeah no we're good." You said calmly.
"You still feel up to going? She asks in a soft tone. You nodded back with a soft hum. She chuckled again gently wrapping her arms around you with a soft smile an action that you would never get tired of sinking into. Her embrace was one you'd never tire of no matter the time or place. She could hold you for an eternity and yet you'd still only feel content in her arms. The next morning the two of you readied and were out fairly early doors so you could get there on time.

When you two arrived there the others were already there. It was a nice sunny open field near a beautiful flowing river a couple of trees and plenty of space for the lot of them. Zuko was with his wife Mai and little daughter Izumi who sat next to mai pointing out pictures form a book to her mother. Azula was sat on the other side of zuko and wasn't allowed near the child or mai. You were still a bit cautious around her but it was obvious she was healing. Ty lee was besides her playing with her hand the two of them made a couple of months after the war but were still only a fragment of what they once were slowly going back to their previous close relationship. Sokka was there with Suki  who whacked him around the head every time he did something to annoy her. Toph was just to the side chipping in every now and then with a witty or smartass comment. Aang was also there with his wife, a non bender girl from the fire nation called On Ji , and their kids Bumi and Eura, named after on of On Ji's relatives. Bumi was a lot more adventurous and louder than Izumi but he was also two years older and Eura was only a few months old. Bumi kept tugging aang's arm trying to get him to play or running over to his 'uncle' sokka pulling at his beard trying to get attention from him also. It was a nice scene to see everyone together in this joyous moment. The chaotic three year old pushed himself off sokka and stumbled over to you and katara gripping on your wife's leg. A beaming smile looking up at the waterbender.
"Kat-rara!" The little boy exclaimed bringing everyone's attention to the new arrivals. Katara smiled at the young boy and created him as he dragged the both of you to the others. Sokka greeted his sister and yourself with open arms like always easing you into the large group event.

After initial greetings, they begin to share stories and reminisce about their past adventures, laughing and joking together. Each one has a different tale to tell. Sokka and Katara are busy laughing at something Aang said, with Toph being the loudest and Mai  sitting nearby stroking the now sleeping Izumi's hair out of her face. You and katara were catching up with those who you hadn't seen in a while having fun like the hood old days when you all travelled the four nations fighting the fire nation in most places that you went. "Haha very funny." Azula said getting irritated by them bringing her into it all. She still wasn't comfortable near them and it was obvious her brother had dragged her to it but she seemed to enjoy her her time with Ty lee who she has been reconnecting with for the past few months. She still refused to speak to mai despite loving with her in the palace and quite often made snarky remarks but she kept her mouth shut per her brother's request and scoldings from him throughout the picnic. Suddenly, a sharp pain shoots through the reader's abdomen, and their eyes widen in shock.
"Katara! My water just broke!"
Katara's eyes widen with concern as she quickly takes charge.
"Don't worry, I've got you! Let's find a safe and private place. Sokka-"
"I know I know I'll get towel or towel like things." He said winning off to help remembering the last time they all had to help deliver a child.
"Aang use whatever empty containers you can find
They got toph to make them a large earth tent so the process could be as calm as possible for you, Katara's healing abilities now focused on delivering new life instead. With each contraction, your hand clings to the side albeit you wished it was katara's hand but she was busy delivering the child and needed everything she had to help.
"You're incredibly brave, and I'm right here with you. We'll get through this just breathe okay." Katara's soothing voice and skilled waterbending create a tranquil environment. Time seems to stand still as you push through the pain, guided by Katara's expertise of helping her gran gran deliver children.
Finally, the cries of a newborn fill the air, and tears of joy stream down the your face. Katara's eyes well up with tears, mirroring the your joy. The baby girl was wrapped in sokka's jacket and handed in your arms.
"Hello kya..." you whispered with a few tears falling. You and katara agreed upon naming your child after her mother way before even settling on wether or not to have a child. This moment was definitely one to mark this reunion down in the history books.


Up coming chapters:

Opal - project monster
Suki - (jealous reader)
Azula - (Ozai finds out)
Toph - Blind devotion
Suyin - gender swapped
Kuvira - (doesn't have a prompt yet)
Korra - (rivals)

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