Street Fights and meals - Kya

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The woman sighed as she bent the water around your injuries causing you to hiss at the cold liquid.
"Quit whining I told you to not get into a fight and you went and got in one anyway so zip it!" She said with a harsh tone to her voice. You promised her you wouldn't get into another fight a few weeks ago when she was patching you up. This time it wasn't your fault though. You were just walking past the the people from the week prior and unfortunately for them they chose the wrong day to make a snide comment. They were just a small gang nothing to bad and only one of them had bending and that person was a horrific bender. Waste of vending ability if they ask you. The comment was how lin came saved your butt, her mother placed her on  patrol last week for bringing personal things into work or whatever it's not that important. The had you pinned to a wall with a knife  to your throat threatening you to stay away from that area or to join them or something. Lin came in to the scene and felt with them in seconds. On Yangchen's name you argued you had it covered and Kya didn't have to know. However, the aspiring police police chief had a 'code' and told her.

This week they got released all except the bender, they were found guilty of other things, and they taunted you about Lin coming to save you. Obviously you weren't going to stand for it. You punched the tallest one int the face then ran further down the side street to gain some distance.  Two of them ran after you so you tripped on up and started to fight the other. Back and forth punches were made, you taking several hits in the stomach and face, until you finally got the upper hand and won. Bruises already started to form but the guy you previously tripped was now beating the living daylights out of you. You took several blows to the stomach before you got backed into a wall. A fist went straight into your face causing your head to smash into the wall behind giving you an awful headache.

You lifted your knee and smashed it into their stomach making them double over sending them a couple of paces back. It was just enough for you to gain the upper hand. You slipped behind them then pushed them forwards so the face planted the wall and fell to the ground. The last of them chuckled lowly as she pulled out a knife. She stood a few inches taller then you as she slowly stalked in your direction. She jabbed forward with the blade just scraping your arm slightly as your body moved to the side. You hissed slightly before punching the arm holding the weapon disarming the woman. She sent her fist into your nose causing it to bleed slightly. At this point you were highly dazed but you stood strong seeing a stray of punches her direction nocking her out in minutes. You sighed in relief of your victory before going out to buy a hoodie in hopes of hiding your injuries.

"Did you honestly think I wouldn't notice?" Kya scolded as she continued bending the water healing your bruised arm.
"Sorry..." you muttered keeping your head low.
She sighed placing the water back into a bowl.
"If you like fighting so much why don't you start a fighting arena for non benders. So I don't have to be worried about you getting killed in a street fight," she explained as she moved the bowl.
"It's not like I want to constantly get into fights it's not my fault I have a punchable face!" You argued. The young waterbender chuckled walking up to lifting your head by the chin.
"I wouldn't say you have a punchable face a cute one maybe," she chuckled again giving you a kiss. You laughed alongside her after the kiss broke.
"If this is the treatment I get maybe getting into fights ain't so bad," you said smirking only to be greeted with Kay's palm hitting you around the head. You rubbed your head and poured slightly In reaction causing a little laugh to escape the woman's lips.
"By the way i have a family dinner after. Bumi is bringing his new partner and Obviously Lin is going to be there with tenzin. Want to join me and spare my suffering?" She asked ask she began to play with your hair. You sighed in agreement before speaking,
"I wouldn't wish for my worst enemy to sit through that one alone. Of course I'd join you my love." You said leaning your head against your partner.
"Good let's go!" She said dragging you by the arm.

You tried to argue when she said 'after' you didn't think she meant after the conversation. Even with the sudden arrival to the dinner it was nice. You sat next to kya whom you messed around with taking the Micky out off Lin and Tenzin. They were the most awkward couple ever! The two of them couldn't flirt to save their lives. Your teasing did cause a Mini argument to arise and after a few moments Katara scolded the two of you for starting it in the first place. The whole meal was filled with jokes from Councilman Sokka and crazy stories from Bumi, who's just got back from the military for a few weeks after his first mission for his promotion. It was nice. After it all you and Kya went to you shared room in the female's side of the building. The moon was high the stars were out and the two of you were slightly tipsy. As you walked in the room you fell onto the bed laughing About the meal with Kya right next to you. Eventually, you two managed to settle down and drift off to sleep within one another's embrace.

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