After hours - Korra

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A/n so I have writers block and low motivation currently and if you haven't been able to tell my uploads have been less frequent so I apologise and hope you continue reading and enjoy this chapter :)

You sat in your bed reading legs crossed and torch light illuminating the words making them legible. It was a captivating story but almost any book could grab your attention. It was late and if your mother caught you up you'd of had the yelling of a life time but she's still working at the station but should be back soon and your other mum kya was fast asleep. You were enjoying the silence until you heard a knock at your window scaring the living spirits out of you. You turned to face the glass to see your girlfriend there. At first you wondered how on earth she got there until remembering she was the avatar. You sighed marking your book and walked to let her in.

"Hey-" the woman began to speak before you put your hand over her mouth and dragged her into your room.
"Keep it down! What are you doing here?" You whisper-yelled not wanting to get caught. Your mother isn't the biggest fan of Korra. She was never a fan of the whole Avatar malarkey especially after she caused a scene beating a few thugs up on her first day in the city. The avatar removed your hand holding it to your side as she spoke.
"I didn't get chance to see you today," she spoke caressing your cheek with her other hand. You sighed placing your hand on hers.
"You know my mother has put me on a curfew since the equalists began their attacks on the city. She won't even let me near the station thanks to their last stunt," you said getting slightly annoyed at your mother.

Korra looked deep into your eyes sympathising with you. Her bright blue eyes full of admiration looking into yours.
"You know I love you right?" She said softly moving a piece of your hair.
"I know...." You replied. The space between the two of you began to close as you gravitated towards one another. Your lips touching, trapping the two of you in the perfect timeless moment. That was until you heard footsteps coming down the hall increasingly getting louder.
"Monkey feathers." You spoke taking a step back pushing korra away from you slightly. She  looked between the door and you before hastily moving for the window but it was to late.

"What is the flameo is going on!" Your mother yelled turning on your main light looking between you and Korra. She was still dressed in her armour and the scowl on her face was anything but forgiving. You gulped at the harsh expression on her face and Korra looked terrified. "Well?" She asked when neither you or the Avatar responded.
"I- uhhh- well I it's not what it looks like," you spoke your voice going up several octaves as your confidence shattered in a million pieces.
"I made it very clear you are to not go to the station, be home by 8:45 and don't let anyone in past 10:00 especially her!" Lin shouted.
"Oh come on Mum!" You retaliated, "Only because a couple of freaks decided to kidnap a few guys and steal their bending and whatever else they've done. Doesn't mean you can stop me from living my life!"
"Fine! I will refrain from keeping my daughter safe but no korra!"
"What!" Both you and korra shouted.
"You heard me. Now leave before I arrest you for trespassing Avatar," korra continued to walk to the window before your mother spoke again gripping the bridge of her nose in annoyance, "use the front door for Yangchen's sake!"

Korra walked past Lin looking back to you desperately; those few seconds of eye contact may be your last. Before she fully left though she did a wierd hand gesture to your mother which amused you. It looked as if she was threateningly staring her down in a childish way behind her back which amused you slightly.
"As for you Y/n your grounded," your mother spoke once more crossing her arms over her chest.
"W-What! why I did nothing!" You shouted.
"You broke the no people in after set hours rule, you snuck a random person into my house and said random person and yourself were most likely doing disgraceful things."
"First off Korra is not a random person. Second of all all we did was kiss and-" before you could finish your rant another voice butted in.
"Third of all you were just as bad when you were her age Lin," Kya. A smile grew on your face as she made her appearance and Lins face went bright red.
"I-I did no such things!" The police chief retorted.
"So your saying that I'm lying and you didn't disobey your mother and sneak me out of the air temple late at night?" Her eyebrow quirked up as she looked at Lin's annoyed and dumbfounded expression causing you to snicker. "Y/n your ungrounded and curfew lifted." A beaming smile grew on your face stretching ear to ear as you heard Kya's words. To show your gratitude you ran up to her and hugged her tight thanking her profusely and promising to never forget Mother's Day again. The water bender returned the hug eyes still glaring at her stubborn wife until you let go. Without saying anything Lin walked off to the kitchen followed by Kya to have a few words.

As soon as they left you closed the door and ran to your window opening it to shout into night.
"Korra!" And as if on cue she appeared into view leaning against the wall of the alleyway a grin evident on her face upon seeing you.
"Hey there princess what are you..." she trailed off as you used your earth bending to create a platform to lower yourself to the street below. As soon as you touched the ground you ran into your lovers arms overjoyed.
"What happened to your curfew?" She questioned hugging you back.
"Got demolished now let's go!" Korra smirked at you before whistling for Naga. The giant polar bear dog came bounding to you direction and as she spotted the two of you she licked your face. In return you held her tight until korra took your hand and the two of you went into the night sat with one another while Naga ran to wherever korra was guiding her.

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