Blacksmithing -Toph

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You sat looking over the plans for Toph's growing metal bending academy

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You sat looking over the plans for Toph's growing metal bending academy. You yourself aren't a metal bender heck you ain't even an earthbender but you still have a strong connection to the substance. How it's so dense and stiff yet so mouldable. All that needs to happen is to get it to the right temperature, that's your speciality. Heat. The ability to control fire, both a blessing and a curse. Ever since you were young you've used your bending to make weaponry and sculptures. When you were young your father got injured in the war and was granted leave due to those injuries. He with your mothers help began blacksmithing to keep us alive. So when your bending came through they taught you their skill. It's how you met Toph.

One of her friends wanted a new sword and boomerang. So you moulded a blade to reinforce the edge of his boomerang and fixed up his severely dented sword. He took interest in what you were doing and even helped you in parts of it. He was by far your favourite customer. Toph accompanied him that day she took interest in all the metals you had displayed around and she took an interest in you. Before she left with her friend she asked if you'd have an interest in working on a big project, back then you couldn't even imagine what she was on about and now you can't believe how far it's come. It went from an aspiration to a full blown school. After scanning through Toph's plans once again you decided to pull out some armour and weapon designs. Even though you spend most of your hours at the Metal bending academy ,due to being one of the main reasons of its existence, you like to still take orders from people wanting repairs and replacements. Sometimes you even create your own thing, it's your way of keeping the family legacy alive.

Toph walked in sighing slamming the door behind herself in annoyance.
"What's wrong?" You questioned.
"These stupid, incompetent, dunderheads can't seem to understand anything! I don't get how they can't do it! Even I can make a star using metal bending and I'm Blind!" She shouted pointing towards her eyes as she took a seat beside you. You chuckled at her annoyance causing her head to snap in your direction.
"Do you find my suffering funny Firecracker!"
"Your not suffering Toph besides you were never really set on running the place why don't you hand it over? You wouldn't be stressed out all the time and I'd get to spend more time with you...." You stared to trail off at the end your face heating up at the realisation of what you said.
"Y-you want to spend more time with me?" The earth bender questioned her face etching with pink.
"I uhh well I-" as you were fumbling over your words Toph picked up a piece of paper with one of your designs on.
"Teach me," she said.
"P-pardon," your heart rate was through the roof at this point due to being flustered and embarrassed.
"Teach me about your blacksmithing thing," she said full of confidence pointing to the blank side of your design.
"Uh Toph your pointing to a blank sheet..."
"Y-you know what I mean the drawing write-y thing on the other side!" You chuckled before agreeing and later that day you took her to your parents old blacksmith shop where the two of you first met.

As you talked about the fire and metal excitement growing from talking about your interest Toph listened. She enjoyed you rambling about your profession and stories from your youth. She was a bit fearful of the flames as all she could feel was it's heat she felt safe knowing you were the one controlling it. A When your piece was made and cooled you carefully handed it to Toph. She gently traced her finger over the blade and the carvings of the handle. It was easily one of your favourite things you've made.
"Y/n this is amazing," her voice was soft and her voice lingered in the air as she continued to admire the metal before her.
"Y-you really think so?" You could feel your cheeks turn red wether it be from the heat or her you couldn't tell.
"Of course I do your really like really really talented," she placed it to the side and looked down before speaking again. "Hey look Aang has offered me a job in republic city and I'm tempted to take it. It's a law enforcement job and I was wondering if I did take the the job would you possibly want to make me some armour? Cause you know I have the tendency to get into fights and all that stuff..." she began to trail off making excuses for you to make her armour. You smiled talking her hand in yours lifting up her head so it faces your direction.
"Toph. I'd love to," you said softly. A great smile spread from ear to ear hearing your answer. "It will cost you date though," you said smugly a smirk growing on your face as Toph's face heated up and fell into hundreds of red shades.
"I-uh-b-yo-Tsk whatever firecracker..." she said hitting your shoulder. It's her way of saying she likes you.

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