After Hours pt.2 (The wedding) -Korra

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You were sat on the beach of air temple island next to korra as the sun began to set

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You were sat on the beach of air temple island next to korra as the sun began to set. The waves making a beautiful sound as they rolled on and off the shore. It was perfect korra intertwined her fingers with yours as your stared out into the horizon. You paid attention to the waves how they broke and pulled back making the sand dance as they moved. One wave took shape of a heart when it broke onto the shore. You turned to look at the brunette responsible for the beautiful occurrence when you saw her eyes already lay upon you a soft smile grew  upon both of your faces as you looked at one another.

She got up and turned her whole body to face you hand still in yours. A bit confused you paid close attention to her actions each and every movement. From her holding your hand to stumbling over her words as she spoke. When her other hand reached to behind her whilst she spoke of her Admiration for you you caught on. The woman pulled out a beautiful Betrothal Necklace, Turquoise green in colour with a beautiful pattern engraved on it. Your smile grew and your eyes widened in an excited kind of shock.
"Y/n.... Will you marry me?"
"Of course!" You leaped at the water bender embracing her with everything you have. What went from a family stay with your mum turned into the happiest day of your life. When you let go of the woman she placed the wonderful piece of craftsmanship around your neck. As soon as it was on properly you swirled around kissing her with the sun setting behind you. You walked hand in hand back to the main building to spread the news and a while later and it was the wedding.

"You better behave Beifong," kya warned as she  and her wife got ready for the event. Lin wasn't the happiest about you getting married, she still saw you as her little girl but she was still glad to be there even if she won't admit it.
"Tsk aren't I always my love..." she spoke whilst tying her tie.
"I know you're still not Korra's Number one fan b-"
"I'm here for our daughter and if she wants to marry my main source of paperwork she can do as she please," kya smiled softly at the younger woman until you yelled catching the two of them off guard.

"Mums!" You shouted swinging their door open almost taking the hinges off. The two women immediately stopped what they were doing to see to you.  Slight fear was seen in both of their faces as they saw the distress upon your own.
"What happened? Are you okay?" Kya questioned and at those words you practically broke down.
"I swear if she did anything I will make sure she will never see the light of day again!" Lin exclaimed heading towards the door before you called after her.
"Korra did nothing," with that being said lin returned to your side comforting you alongside Kya.
"Then what's got you this distressed?" The earth bender spoke sternly.
"What if I'm making a mistake? What if I made the wrong choice I mean we had to delay the wedding because of life or death Avatar things! What if this is the universe's way of telling me I'm making a bad decision an- and-" you began to ramble spiralling at all the ifs and possibilities.

"Y/n everything is going to be okay. Take deep breaths we're right next to you," Kya comforted.
"B-b-but what If-"
"Look Korra is a pain in my ass and at first I really didn't like you dating her. But I know she cares for you and I know you care for her. So as the amazing mother I am I'm advising you to go through with this. Besides if it is a bad decision and this is all a mistake it won't matter as you've made millions in the past so you'll be fine," Lin said supporting you in her wierd Beifong way. Kya smiled at you and continued to speak,
"We love you. Your the best thing to happen to is and no matter what we'll be here."

"What if she says no?" You questioned.
"I'll arrest her."
"You will do nothing if the sorts! We will support our child emotionally like the loving parents we are and we will not be arresting the Avatar," kya exclaimed hitting her wife over the head one arm still around your shoulder comforting you. Lin rubbed the back of her head mumbling something under her breath causing you to chuckle.
"Let's get you sorted so we can get you married," kya smiled and with the help of your mums you were looking just like you were prior to the mini breakdown. The three of you walked out of the room giving each other a hug before going your separate ways. Once the music began to play you made your appearance.

You walked down the aisle nervously but also excitedly. Your uncle's were there, the krew were there, your grandma, your aunty Izumi, plus your aunt Suyin and her family. Most importantly though Korra was there, stood at the front looking beautiful as ever smiling like an idiot as she stared at you in awe. All your previous doubts dissipated upon looking at your future wife. You stood in front of her and she took your hands.
"You look absolutely gorgeous," she whispered even though she said very little words her eyes said it all. She was taken aback, overjoyed, nervous in love. Best part was she was all of that with you in that moment. After, what felt like forever you were asked the question.
"Do you Y/n Beifong take Avatar Korra to be your wife?"
"I do..."
"And do you Avatar Korra take Y/n Beifong to be your wife?"
"I do..."
"You may kiss the bride,"

And with that you were officially married your lips touched hers as you kissed her all your emotions going into one moment. When you pulled apart everyone celebrated. Your parent were brought to tears along side your uncle Bumi. Ikki and Jinora took each other into a tight hug celebrating whilst meelo ran from one end of the seating area to the other. It was everything you could of hoped for. You turned back to face Korra and you shared a smile before running down the idle hand in hand excited for what's next to come in your relationship.

A/n I hope this met your expectations and thanks for the request :)

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