Fighting and flirting-Mai

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Y/N gripped her sword tight taking a fighting stance as two women stalked towards her. One was smiling in pink, her hair platted. Ty lee. A famous circus performer and chi blocker close friends with the princess. The other wore a neutral expression with the firenation colours covering her figure, jet black hair tied up her piercing eyes staring right at you. Mai. A notorious markswoman the best of the best even. Two of the deadliest non-bending women and the rest of the gang were fighting the princess. Just your luck. For a moment it was a standoff, tension as thick steel but it didn't last.

The two fire nation women attacked coordinating there moves keeping you on your feet. Ty lee was quick and Mai was pin point. Using your sword to deflect throwing knives and pure luck dodging hits, you held them off. Luckily a boomerang flew through the air almost knocking the acrobat off balance but definitely distracting her. She went off to fight Sokka leaving you with Mai. She smirked sending six blades cutting through the air and almost you.
"Your good." she says acknowledging your abilities to fight.
"And your accurate." You say back with a smirk. Continuing the fight you swung your blade around and it was met with a clink. The talented markswoman before you, had managed to pull out a Kunai and blocked it. Shocked your eyes widened you moved your head to the side to see the weapon, double checking you weren't hallucinating. You looked into her eyes still shocked at how she just pulled that off before having to quickly dodge her counter attack.

You ducked down to avoid a throwing knife and rolled to escape three more. Her movements were swift. Quick. Deadly. You got up and ran forward hitting the projectile melee weapons out the way with your blade. You swung for her head but she lowered her center of mass missing the blade and grabbed the back of your leg. She pulled her arm back and before you knew you were pinned to the floor by a blade in your sleeve. She looked down at you blades creating a fan in her hand, smirk plastered on her face.
"Looks like your at my mercy... shame I thought you'd be more fun." Mai said in a monotone voice, her smirk only growing. Y/N looked at the knife pinning her down then up to Mai a look of confidence on your face. "Honestly Mai you'd think to take me on a date first and I'm not usually one to complain but I'd prefer to have control in this situation." With that Y/N threw her katana into her non pinned arm and hit away the blades Mai released. The marks woman stumbled back slightly as you hit the knife keeping you down weakening it before pulling it out. Using your body weight and a bit of momentum you got to your feet in one smooth push off your hands. Mai glared at you slightly surprised as you stood with a cocky grin two hands on the sword. You lunged forwards with the katana keeping Mai on her feet making her double think about her next move. You had managed to flip the tables and now the fight was in your favour.

Y/N pushed the markswoman back and had came close to striking her down a few times over by this point. You were close to winning, to being able to flee back to the others. That's when Ty lee front flipped into the scene once more and numbed your right arm. You looked to the acrobat in shock and desperately tried to put ground between yourself and the two fire nation girls. Using your sword in your left hand blocking attacks. It was barely working, exhaustion was catching up. Tripping over, stumbling, missing, your wrist was starting to kill due to not being used to wielding a sword with only one hand. The two women were playing with you. Stalking you like pray. Fighting one of them on your own was a challenge in itself but now it's back to the two of them... it's undoubtedly near to impossible. The acrobat kicked the sword out your hand and the marks woman hand an arm and blade to your throat, backing you into a tree. Sweat built up in your palms and your throat went dry. Eyes darting between the two women who took great amusement out of your failure.
"I was wrong. That was fun." The raven haired woman spoke the tip of her blade pricking into the side of your jaw deep enough to feel it but light enough as to not draw blood. Her deep eyes were piercing through your own making you question wether to look away or shrink into a corner. "It was cute to see you try."
You didn't respond to her comments. Your expression said it all. Anger, determination mixed with a strange sense of admiration lingering in your eyes. A shout was heard from the others and the two girls looked over before Mai looked back at you. "Well this has been... interesting. Maybe when we next fight our time won't be cut short. Cya." She dragged the blade down slightly nicking your face before she pushed herself off you and walked off with the acrobat. Your gaze didn't shift watching her depart. Spinning the blade in her hand with ease, hair being moved by the wind a piercing glare and cold heart. She was ruthlessly amazing and a beautiful cold killer.

"She was cute." Ty lee stated walking besides Mai. The raven haired woman discreetly looked back to you, still frozen against the tree, the sight brought a small foreign smile to her lips as she walked. Ty lee took notice of this change and beamed but didn't bring it up as Mai started talking before her. "Whatever." Is all she said.

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