Politics - Kuvira

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You were lay on the great Uniter's bed in between her arms taking in her scent. It's moments like these you loved in life. This whole war with republic city and the Avatar can be exhausting leaving a stressed out kuvira and barely any time for the two of you to spend together. It was sweet no words were said but it was still sweet. Not for long though, there was a knock at the door interrupting the tranquil moment this caused Kuvira to groan in annoyance and you did the same.

"What the hell could be so important you decided to interrupt me!" She snapped facing the door of which was now open with a terrified officer shaking within its frame.
"G-great Uniter I must inform you that you have been requested to discuss the arrangements for the colony of the easts surrender!" the officer spoke fear seeping through his words. The woman sighed,
"Very well head in that direction I'll attend their meeting and see that what they request is arrangeable. Now leave!" The door slammed shut as the officer ran off to complete his orders. Kuvira massaged the bridge of her nose clearly annoyed so you walked next to her sliding your arm over her shoulder rubbing her back and leaning against her. She smiled and pecked your forehead.
"I can go if you want?" You said in a reassuring voice.
"No, I must go but I won't be opposed to you attending it with me. Besides I'd need my best officer there to help me if things go south and who better then my second in command my love?" You giggled at the pet name and nuzzled into her neck a bit more.
"I'd love to attend the meeting with you Vira..."

Kuvira walked through the town with you by her side. And a squad a few paces behind. Townspeople swarmed the dusty roads at either side of you and your troops eager to catch a glimpse of  the Great Uniter's arrival. Despite them not liking or agreeing with what we were doing they still wanted to see. Stalls were left unattended and the pavements were filled. Even though the audience was grand little noice was made all people could hear was the marching troops and quiet murmurs from within the crowd. Once you reached their council hall the person in charge greeted you by the stairs to the door. Compared to every other structure this one looked luxurious well built and looked after as if built for a king. The houses closer to it were still well built but not to the same standard and the ones on the outskirts were poorer then poor. It was clear where their councils priorities lay.

"Great Uniter pleasure to make your," he trailed off and looked down at you and the soldiers with an obvious expression of disgust covering his face. Rude. When his attention returned to kuvira he continued "acquaintance. Let the negotiations commence," he spoke ushering kuvira and you inside. We walked up with our soldiers of which broke off and went on guard before reaching the door as you continued into the meeting room.

Almost six hours later and an agreement still hadn't been compromised. Everyone was still in the same positions they were in at the start of the meeting. You were begging to get tired; the back and forth, two steps forward one step back these 'negotiations' weren't getting anywhere. Worst of all you couldn't show or receive any affection from Kuvira all you wanted to do was fall asleep in her arms and this stupid town to give in! But for now you must stand to her right at attention waiting for an order.
"I can assure you will be far better off with our support! As I walked through your so called town I saw poverty, I saw hunger and I saw anarchy...... If you just allowed me and my army to help all that would be gone and you wouldn't have to lift a finger." Kuvira commanded the room, all eyes on her as she spoke.
"By the looks of your military I have no doubt about what you say they look strong. But I can't accept." he said.
"What?" Kuvira replied shocked at his answer to her compelling speech.
"A strong military under the command of a soldier like your companion there is bound to fail .... Also how can we trust that what you say will be put into place without some of our own in your forces. I'd happily agree if I could place some of my men in your ranks maybe even replace one or two-" as he said this sentence his eyes glared over to you "-of your advisers just for reassurance proposes if you can't comply to our requests then I'm sorry kuvira but I just can't accept your offer,"

His comments aggravated kuvira just as much as they did you. She stood from her chair forcing it back slamming her hands on the table.
"Councillor....." as the cold toneless words left the Great Uniter's mouth the councillor's face fell pale with his pitiful attempts to hide his fear behind a stern expression. "It is one thing to disrespect my title and to push for ludicrous requests but it is another thing to question and belittle who I choose to put in command. You will regret your words as you will regret you decision to decline my offer. I will assure you that your surrender will be unconditional," and with that she stormed out dragging you by the hand with anger prominent on her face and her cold unforgiving glare focusing on whatever stood before her.

Kuvira slammed the door open accidentally knocking a chair over, stormed in and sat on the end of the bed head in hands. You followed her to the room in a slightly calmer demeanour sighing as you cleaned the mess that trailed to your girlfriend. You walked in front of her taking her hands in yours giving her a reassuring look. The woman's expression softened slightly but anger was still evident on her face.
"Vira ..... my love you want t-" you began to speak before getting cut off by the woman sat before you.
"I need to prepare the troops," she stood up and began to walk off before you pulled her back holding her right hand.
"Your stressed out and angry you need to relax. How abou-"
"I will relax when they are no longer an inconvenience,"
"But tha-"
"I will not. No I can't let them get away with this they are a disgrace to the earth nation! They are a prime example of why I need to restore it to its former glory! Did you not hear what they said about me and my work Y/n, what they said about you!" She yelled turning face you properly. She was livid. Her face contorted with the emotion, everyone would be able to tell. Although, she angered easily she rarely got like this.

"Will you stop cutting me off and let me finish what I have to say for spirits sake!" You ushered your words taking ahold of both her hands once again. The woman gave you a slight nod before allowing you to continue what you were saying, "Good. Now what's going to happen: Your going to take your armour off and sit down while I go get your favourite meal. You haven't eaten since we got here. Then
I'll give you a massage, and after that, we're going to go to sleep. You can get the troops ready in the morning, No Ifs, no Buts and No complaining. Do I make myself clear?" The Great Uniter reluctantly agreed to her partners orders, and by the time the two of them were asleep in one another's arms, her anger had completely dissipated. However, those of which wronged her that day would not see such a forgiving, sentimental side of Kuvira.

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