The waterbending Tyrant -Katara

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Katara ... Princess of the Southern water tribe  and Chieftain off the greatest military the world has ever seen. She is as ruthless as they get and no one that crosses her path stays alive for long. Many see her as a god far stronger then any leader to exist and on par with the Avatar. A bending prodigy who has full mastery over every part of her element. Those who fear her call her a monster, a killer, the devil in disguise. Everyone else knows her to be a saviour, The Painted Lady is what they call her. She helps those small, dying towns and turns them into something great all while cleansing the world with water bending.

She stands in the Center of a training arena surrounded by limp or quivering bodies her hands fall to her side before going into a bow facing one of her advisors and mentors, Hama. Her head rises to face the woman waiting for her assessment to come.
"Well done. Even without a full moon your skill is admirable, being able to control a being like that. You truly are a prodigy," the old woman spoke. Katara bowed her head in thanks before yelling at a few people of lower rank to get the training subjects, the ones still breathing, medical attention. They at least need some chance of resisting the blood bending next time and they can't do that while fully conscious and well never mind half dead and beaten. The Princess walked down to the readying ships. She was set to head to Kyoshi island to consult with Suki, one of her more trusted generals. At first she was in charge of a small band of Kyoshi warriors and was proven useful to the water tribe. Other bands of Kyoshi warriors disliked the Water Princess but with a bit of convincing from Prince Sokka and Suki that wasn't an issue. After a few weeks Suki was in control of all Kyoshi warrior groups and they made a great asset. An attack was made on one of the more important earth nation settlements of which is under Water tribe possession. So it only seems wise to speak with the former earth nation warrior.

As soon as she got on the ship she immediately took command yelling at people to start working quicker. It would be rude to be late. Sokka was shouting orders at a few of his more incompetent men forcing them into a ruthless training session on the main deck. It consisted of completing a high level of combat training where failure would result in a not so nice punishment of Sokka's choosing. Within an hour the ship had set sail with two small ships following behind it forming a triangular formation. You sat in the control room making sure that there were no delays or set backs if there were you'd stop at nothing until it was set right again. The men and women who worked before you were terrified having a powerful lieutenant and close companion of the Royal siblings watch over you would do that to a person. You began to smile at the affect you had in them until a low ranking messenger came barging in stating that katara requested your presence in her quarters. You slowly rose from your sit and left for the door making sure to address the captain before you left, "Looks like you've been freed from my watch Captain." The captain stiffened into a salute at your words mumbling over his own as you left causing a chuckle to escape your lips.

You walked in seeing Katara place her Painted Lady head piece onto a stand. Upon hearing your entry she turned to face you a small smile resting on her lips. You mimicked the expression before going into a slight bow.
"Y/n please only those who bow to me are my subjects and workers you are my equal. So don't present yourself as lower," her voice was cold just like the ice she bends yet so captivating liek a siren's. You rose again and stepped towards the woman as you did she caressed your face slightly, placing a loose hair behind your ear.
"Your not ready allow me to assist you my love..." She pulled you towards a mirror and started doing your face paint. It was a common for her to do your paint or for you to do it as the two of you talk in her quarters.
"We're almost at Kyoshi Island. I was given word that one of Suki's warriors managed to apprehend a few rouge's of which were behind the attacks I'd like it if you would help me in disposing of them," A slight glint in her eye appeared when she spoke you always admired the small things such as her excitement towards punishing those who got in the way. You were skilled in getting information as she was skilled in Blood bending.
"I'd love to My queen," you smiled at her and she reciprocated the expression before a mock echoed throughout the room. You glared at the door as did katara upon answering,
"Who in Yue's name is there! It better be of importance or consider yourself going overboard!" The woman yelled. Behind the door a meek voice responded, "w-we've arrived at the island L-Lady Katara." Katara sighed holding the bridge of her nose before turning to you once again.
"Let's go," she gave your hand a kiss before walking out of the room you followed but did not exit the ship until you had finished your face paint.

Katara was at the front with you stood to her left and Sokka stood to her right with a line of troops behind you. The three of you greeted suki who was in full Kyoshi warrior uniform of which had recently been adapted to match the water tribe colours. A short meeting was held where the four of you discussed the next cause of action before you split off into two two's. Sokka went with Suki and you with Katara. A line of chained Rouges stood before the two of you some already partially beaten.
"Take them for questioning the ones that don't break I'll use for practice," Katara spoke no emotion in her voice which is typical for when she is commanding something or in front of an audience. You nodded and did as told eying up all of them as if they were prey choosing who you first victim would be. You pulled one out of the line and started to freeze their skin as you asked them questions they yelled out in pain but didn't give you much information. After a few more minutes you stopped and moved to a different approach. You did this for several hours all you found out was they have a stash of supplies in a certain town and that they have some sort of connection to the fire nation. All useless information. You passed them all onto Katara who through a beautiful display of both blood bending and water bending contorting their bodies in all sorts of ways making them regret their actions while using water and ice to injure them further. When the last one fell to the ground Katara took a deep breath. Even though she can bend very skilfully without a full moon it takes a lot out of her especially when blood bending. You loved watching her bend it's a wonderful sight. Her graceful yet sharp movements she was beautiful.
"Perfect as always," you said walking up to her placing a hand on her cheek.
"Only for you," she replied. She leaned in and gently kissed your lips quickly before looking into your eyes once again.
"I'm happy to have you by my side in this war I couldn't do it without you,"
"As am I happy to be by your side my queen,"

A/N I don't feel like I've done this idea justice I absolutely love this idea and might expand on it further wether that be in this book or it having its own separate thing idk but I hope you liked it :)

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