In her world- Azula

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After a long and tiresome day you finally managed to get back to the security of your home

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After a long and tiresome day you finally managed to get back to the security of your home. A thud sounded as you slung your bag down removing the sopping we coat that sat over your shoulders. It wasn't very effective as the rain had somehow still umanaged to soak through onto your shirt. Great. Undoing the shoe laces seemed to almost be impossible with trembling cold hands and water wringing onto the door mat at each attempt. Giving up you opted to just slide them off keeping them on the door mat until they get to a reasonable state to put on the radiator along side your socks and coat. Wet footprints followed behind you with each step towards the bathroom where you bathed under warm water and changed into a warmer attire. The weather had been torrential for the past several days with this ludicrous storm from over seas passing through. It couldn't leave any slower than what it was. Biting cold air, haste, squalling winds and downpours of rain. That had been your average day for a while and it was getting boring. Steam from the kettle boiled as a nice warm tea was made to warm you up further and what goes best with a warm beverage, comfy clothes and poor weather? Sitting down watching your favourite comfort show. Nothing beats it. Piping warm steam swirls in the air and you gently blow o it for it too cool down as you flicked through on the Tv to get to your favourite. Avatar the last airbender, not the 2010 live action movie, the animated show. You always found yourself having to specify to people who say they 'liked it' as half the time they would be talking about the blue alien film or that film... the one of which should not be named... but no you were watching the animated show as it was the most superior. It was a show which you've watched since childhood and still remained to be your Comfort show through everything. A content sigh escapes your lips as you pressed play.

Eyes glued to the screen and cup to your lips you were lost in the story which you had memorised like the back of your hand. At points you even caught yourself quoting the lines. This whole night was perfect and definitely improved your mood. It was the Season two Finale: Book two crossroads of destiny, zuko and katara had their little will they won't they, the Dai Li had been taken over by azula, the avatar had his little three way stand off with azula and zuko before the prince chose to join his sister betraying iroh, the climax of this whole episode was nearing and all the conflict had kicked off. Aang began to rise in the air his eyes and tattoos glowing then... the power cut out leaving you in a room of darkness.
"What?!" You exclaimed almost, confused. Sighing you pulled up your phone torch and put down the tea and went to check the Tv muttering random complaints as you attempted to see what was wrong. Some thunder boomed outside and the sky lit up blue. "That should be happening to Aang right now but noooo stupid stupid power went out," you mocked hitting the tv in frustration. Yet somehow it worked your face lit up as the screen flickered back on in the exact Same replace as it left. The avatar's eyes widened the screen flashed black with the 112 year old's silhouette covered by lightning. A static noise sounded catching your attention before streaks of blue jumped out of the Tv supposedly from the wiring in the back hitting you.

Blue sparks formed at the roof of the cave and as the avatars body fell to the floor so did another. Azula glanced over intrigued but used this strangely clothed person's arrival to her advantage. When the foreign person landed they hit katara and azula took no hesitation in defeating the water bender in her distracted state. The fire princess looked at all she had accomplished looking down at the two deceased heroes before gazing upon the unconscious person whose conveniently timed arrival helped her in her victory.
"Check their pulse." She ordered coldly too her Dai Li agents. As she looks over the girl's features an odd feeling washed over the princess, a foreign feeling which she opted to ignore instead of trying to discover it's complexity. A team was at hand and distractions weren't liable they never are. One walked over and pressed their fingers into the mystery persons neck before nodding to the princess. She froze considering her options before speaking. "Get them medical attention then inform me once they wake. I wish to speak to them and reward this peculiar act of service... if that's what you can class this as." She turned back to her brother. "Come on ZuZu we have a letter to send and ships to ready back for the fire nation." Zuko nodded and the siblings exited the cave with a Dai Li agent carrying the unconscious person right behind the two royals.

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