Medical Emergency - Katara

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A few weeks ago you got a message from the North Pole asking for your return. Some of their chief-ing family and generals were dying and they didn't know why. You left the pole a few years ago to go get a better job with your healing abilities. There wasn't much going on in the North at the time but all of a sudden all the best healers are being called in to help, from all around the world.

When you arrived you were immediately put to work alongside all the other healers. The work was hard and straining you've never had to do this much bending in your life. While you and a team of healers helped in getting them better a team of people were trying to find the cause of this strange phenomenon. You worked all day, from your arrival to nightfall and yet many people were still left un-healed. Your break came round and you left the healing huts and other group of healers walked in. During your break you talked with a girl who went by the name Katara. You worked close with her in the huts helping the ill and now you seemed to be friends. She spoke about her travels with the Avatar and all the exciting fights she got into. Her stories amazed you.
"And a few weeks he awoke so I suppose that experience also pushed me towards this career," she explained enjoying the conversation. The way she talked with such enthusiasm about her travels trapped you in awe. From the way her eyes lit up to the way her lips moved when she talked you couldn't help but admire it. Admire her. As quickly as the thought entered your mind it left. You can't be thinking that she has a betrothal necklace on!

All of a sudden someone ran up to the two of you.
"The chief has caught whatever the other have!" You and Katara shared a look then then ran to the chief's house. He lay on his bed sweating and groaning from pain. This ain't good you thought. You were still miles off figuring out what was going on and you had already lost three people to whatever was making them all ill. You and katara worked profusely to try and get him better it wasn't working. Not even with both of your Bending capabilities were you making no progress. The pressure and stress was getting to you so before you passed out do strain and stress you took a step back.
"Nothings working Katara," you spoke as if all hope was gone.
"We can't give up to many people depend on us on the chief!" She yelled trying wil desperation to help the man lay before her. You couldn't help but let your head drop to your feet. You've tried everything you know what could possibly help them.
"Y/n we are the only hope they have at survival and that all we have left-"
"Hope," you weren't convinced but you decided to continue healing anyway. If it was anyone other then katara you wouldn't of been convinced but her words reminded you of when she spoke of her travels. How hope and determination got her through the hundred year war. You worked not because of your sake or chief's for katara's. The concentration etched on her face as she healed the chief, in a weird way it was inspiring a slight shade of pink etched on your face as you watched the girl work. This is going to be a long next few days.

And that was exactly how it was, long and tiring. Over the days you and katara grew close well the tense situation you were in would make anyone close. Whilst the two of you were working the person who told you of the chiefs condition ran in but before he could speak you beat him to it.
"I swear to the spirits if you say another person has got this weird illness thing I will kill you," you said the stress getting to you katara just stared at you but you elected to ignore it and let the man speak as you continued to heal the chief.
"We have found out what's wrong with them if the two of you could join me so our researchers can explain." You and katara nodded before following behind the man.

After the mini meeting you and katara rushed to help the others now knowing what must be done. First helping the chief then everyone in the healing huts. As the two of you healed the last person you bothered fell to the floor out of both relief and exhaustion.
"W-we did it. We finally did it," you sighed chuckling at the end.
"Yeah we did," katara smiled pushing her self up so she was sitting, "hey you want to like maybe go to restaurant for some food now this is all over. You know kind of like a date?" Both your faces etched pink at her words.
"I'd love to but what about your necklace aren't yo-" before you could finish she replied, "It was my grandmothers I just wear it to remember her by. I'm not betrothed to anyone." Your smile grew at her words.
"I'd love to!" You exclaimed a bit louder then expected due to the excitement causing katara to chuckle slightly. "I-I mean I'd love to accompany you on a date," you said more quietly now red from embarrassment. Katara walked over to you and took your hand dragging you out of the hut and into the Center of all the structures of the north. This is going to be fun you thought as the two of you looked around walking hand in had together through the streets of the Northern water tribe.

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