Chapter 1 😡

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It's Monday morning and I am currently trying to muster up the strength to be bothered waking up, my only motivation being that I have some English and history tests today. I go to a boarding school which is fine for me because it means I only get to go back home to my toxic primary school bullies and neglective mother around twice a year. Unfortunately I am about to have to deal with them next week when break starts again. I woke up in a petty and snappy mood today which isn't rare but probably should be mentioned. I get up and change out of my baggy shirt which I had slept in. I then pop on my white school blouse as well as my dark blue skirt and blazer with a tie which most students dislike. As soon as I walk out of my room, I remember in a panic that I also have homework due for Math class today. I start to freak out and gather my notes from my locker which is surprisingly clean if the random empty box of tissues and a lukewarm juice primer count as that. I hear a bang on the locker next to me as someone leans dramatically and loudly, might I say, onto it. My eyes widen in frustration as I try to get out this one piece of paper without ripping it out of my damned locker.

"Um, hello?" A voice says irritably next to me. UH I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THIS TODAY.

"FUCK OFF" I say rudely, without turning around. The boy standing next to me frowns and lifts his eyebrow.

"Wow, I know that girls get pissed and emotional sometimes but I guess that's just your personality." Miles Fairchild says, smirking. I want to slap him. Maybe I should. 

"I'm only like this when you're around. Now leave me the fuck alone before I..."

Miles grabs my tie and uses it to pull me closer as he cuts me off.

"Before you what, huh?" I look at his smug face and push him but not hard enough for a teacher to tell me off. I can't stand when people try to get all physically intimidating with me. 

"Weak," He scoffed and walked away. Honestly, what is his problem? He shows up at my locker and when I'm trying to study just to insult me and annoy me nearly everyday and I didn't want to deal with it right now. I know I shouldn't have threatened him because I probably started something that quite frankly is completely unnecessary. I honestly don't know what I did to him to deserve this passive aggressive bullying, maybe he just needs to grow up.

As I sit down in my assigned seat for English, I hear a scoff behind me. I ignore it knowing perfectly well it is aimed at me and that reacting is going to make this worse. I feel a harsh tap on my shoulder but yet again I ignore the person callously trying to get my attention. 

Halfway during the class I feel a sharp jab in my back. I swing around in my chair and look at Fairchild calmly because If I did anything but, It would be like a reward for him.

"Yes?" I say politely even though I am seconds from strangling him.

"Nothing," He smirks, shrugging as he spins a pair of scissors on his finger in an almost menacing manner.

"Um Miss Clinton, chatting in class is very disrespectful, I am in the middle of an important lecture that is going to help you with your exams if you even care about those," Miss Boutine says in an annoying high voice which makes me want to scream.

"Sorry Miss," I say, internally boiling.

"Would you like to share with the class what conversation made you so keen on interrupting us?" She says, pursing her lips together and raising her eyebrows expectantly at me. The whole class is looking down, most are daydreaming or scribbling notes that Miss Boutine hadn't rubbed of the white board yet. Only fifteen or so people's attention is on me but it is still enough for me to immediately panic.


"She was giving me this note Miss," Fairchild says, his friends snickering in the back of class as he stands up and hands her the note. Oh god, what does it say? I watch as Miss Boutine's face turns from expectant to full on shock and displeasure.

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