I Wish You Weren't Famous

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Jordan stayed for an entire week.

I strongly suspected that it had something to do with the fact that more often than not Alan could be found at my place. He came over for dinner, stayed the night, or dropped by in the morning before I left for work. As it turns out we both had quite busy schedules, but that didn't stop us from spending time together. When Alan was too occupied to make it to my place I went to his, sometimes to cook him dinner, others to just keep him company while he read through another script or worked on a screenplay.

It never stopped to amaze me how hectic and chaotic the life of a famous actor could prove to be. Alan's manager called at least three times a day to remind Alan of appointments he had to keep, or upcoming events he'd agreed to attend. Then there was the neverending supply of scripts that made their way to his desk, both asking him to act in a movie or direct one. Alan had made quite a name for himself, and now pretty much had a carte blanche as to the projects he could take on.

But his true passion was and would always be the theater. He preferred acting on stage, and as he got to pick his projects he was always very committed to staying true to his acting career by returning to the theater. Now he had another play coming up, which meant the most impossible rehearsal schedules. Late-night phone-calls cancelling dinner or make-up lunches at my office were starting to become more regular, and both Lynn and Jordan were worried about me.

They shouldn't have.

At work I was now also very busy, and I had an audit coming up, which meant lots of meetings going over the books, checking expenses and examining every project to see if they hadn't gone over budget or cut corners with safety measures. Which, in turn, meant I had to spend a lot of time at the office going over paperwork with Malcolm and two other senior partners. I felt bad when cancelling some plans on Alan, but just as I was being very understanding about his chaotic schedule, he was trying his hardest to be sympathetic to my hectic office hours.

The fact was that we still called eachother often and met up whenever we could. Surprise lunches at my office and random dinners-either at my place or at his-were a common occurrence, which eased my worries and soothed my nerves and insecurities.

When the weekend came around I was pretty exhausted. At work everyone was worried about the upcoming investigation into our finances, although it was a regular and mandatory occurrence. But every four years, which was the assigned period of time, everyone just freaked out and spent a week trying to put matching financial reports together.

The fundraising was on a Saturday night, and Jordan had managed to get herself an invite by chatting up Malcolm when he called to the house one day. Instead of putting me on right away like he requested, they had started up a conversation and were soon catching up, given the fact that hey hadn't seen eachother in almost a year. He was more than happy to get her an invitation, and was soon gossiping with her about me and Alan.

Now my best friend would be accompanying me to the event as well as my boyfriend.

Alan had agreed to accompany me, happy to spend a night together that didn't involve any surprise meetings or hurriedly put together dinner. More than happy to escort me to the party, he had promised to meet me there after rehearsal at the theater.

Getting ready with Jordan was quite a happening on itself. It was always a lot of fun getting dressed up with my best friend, and we'd always end up laughing and giggling like schoolgirls.

Jordan had brought a golden dress that did wonders for her figure, and really brought out the color of her skin and fair blond hair. It was short, bordering on indecent, but it made her decollete look amazing and showcased her narrow hips and slim waist.

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