Chapter 4

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The week went by quickly.

After the third day of my gym I get myself some sports bras so that my trainer will let me breathe and stop suffocating me by tying the knots of my loose t-shirts a little too tight to qualify as humane.

Between gym, college and hospital canteen I only get a little time to study which I invest in daily revisions.

Weekend starts tomorrow and I have maintain an entire list of things to do.

I have to ace this semester and that's why when Lydia ask me about the party that Silas invited us to, I tell her I'm not going.

In my defense I don't know anybody there. Silas and the entire group are our seniors and I am not exactly looking for friendship with them. So if I'm going to hangout with Lee and Noah only, then I don't need Tucker's house for that. I can meet them at my house or a public place if I feel like it.

Also I have been successful in avoiding Zander for two days after the unfortunate meeting at his place and I intend on keep avoiding that trouble.

"Hey girl!" Lydia meet me in the corridors as soon as I leave my last class of International Relations.

"Hey Lee, good that you came."

"Yeah my professor left early. So what's the plan for two days, now that we aren't going to that party?"

"Well I'll study because I haven't really had any time during the week but heyy...if you and Noah wanna go to that party then please do. Don't skip it on the account of this homebody,"I laugh.

"Ohh no...not without you. We were only invited because of you, out of politeness. Silas had his eyes only for you."

"Yeah and the other seventy-two girls. Anyway I will go to target for stationary supplies. Care to join tomorrow?"

"Cold coffee after?"

"Done. Ask Noah as well. I'll see you tomorrow. ", I say as I walk to the other way to cross the road for the nearest bus stop.

I'm slowly getting used to the way things move around here except for a few things like crossing the roads. It was a challenge for me back in India and it still is a challenge here in America.

With less cars and people around you will think it must be easy but with less busy roads, comes high speed.

Twice I try to get moving but fail almost falling once when I backed away.

"Watch it!"

A hand grab my am from the back when I try for the third time . I look up to find Zander glaring at me in anger.

"Are you trying to get yourself killed woman?" He ask in his thick British accent dropping my hand "Ohh! by the way, I'm sorry I touched you. But I wouldn't want to witness a fucking bloodbath on this beautiful fucking day."

I don't say anything and turn my sight towards the road. It is embarrassing enough to try and cross the road in front of unknown people but now I have to do it in front of him.

"Here hold this," he say again, holding out his bag strap towards me.

I look at him, confused.

"Hold this and walk with me," he say, his voice sounding hushed.I do just that. Seconds later I'm on the other side of the road. I look up at him to say thanks but he is already in the middle of the road again.

"Thank you," I shout anyway.

"Shut up!", he shout back flipping me off and I curse the second where I entertained the thought of him being a decent human.

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