Chapter 31

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The sports championships for different games have started. Every time I catch football team practicing on the ground, I feel bad for keeping Zander out of the ground for two week. He had assured me quite a lot of time that it was okay but apparently not enough because I still feel guilty.

Lee and Raven convinced me to come to the football matches and Brie and Cindy convinced all of us to attend her ballet shows. Honestly, I didn't need much convincing. I was going to attend whatever they were taking part in just to cheer for them. They all have done so much for me that attending something of importance to them is a minuscule way of showing my appreciation.

We sat in the canteen, around four tables joined together. Notes and books are cluttered and piled up on top of each other with too many coffee cups in the middle.

"Guys in my dm thinks I'm their mother," Cindy complained scribbling something in her folder.

"What does that mean?" I questioned.

"They want me to make them lie on my lap and caress their hair while they whine about how the world has been bad to them."

I widened my eyes, partially about what she told me, shocked me and partially because I am finding it hard to not sleep on the classical American literature research papers.

"I can't take it another second," Raven declared throwing her pen on the table. The force made it bounce back and hit me in the eye.

"Oww, Ray."

"Shit sorry, Aura. I didn't mean to. Are you okay?" She asked from across the table.

"Yeah I guess." I blink through my teary eyes.

"If someone kidnapped you Ray, they will voluntarily leave you with us after thirty minutes," Lee commented without taking her eyes off of the book she was cramming from. Raven flipped her off but she didn't notice.

We started packing our stuffs to make it on time to the stands. The first soccer match was in our uni itself so thankfully we could easily be in the audience. We were just rushing to get better seats.

"Wait, I have to change before we go," I told the group ignoring the heat traveling to my cheeks.

"Almost all of us have to, let's go," Cindy called over her shoulder making me sigh in relief.

I pulled the blue jersey with Zander's name on it down my neck and adjusted it. I never returned it after the first time he gave me. Now its coming handy in showing a gesture of gratitude.

"It looked better on me last year, Aura," Barbie sneered. The back of her jersey read Matt.

"Liar! Zander never gave you the jersey last year so shut your whore mouth up." Cindy almost started at her. Ever since the video spiraled she had been annoyed with Barbie for some reason.

I looked around and realized that the changing room was filled with soccer girls. Cindy, Kelly and Raven were obviously there for their boyfriends. Brie and Lee had Noah's name on the back.

We marched towards the stadium, arms looping in each others, stupidly risking a fall. The college was swarmed with blue jersey majorly and a yellow one of the opponents. I was so wrong in saying we were the soccer girls, earlier because as far as the eye can see every girl was in a blue jersey and with their own name written on it.

"We look like we are in a music video," Lee laughed.

"Hey! I'm not shaking no ass," Raven declared.

Being earlier than most of the crowd got us decent seats. The ground was empty except for the two refrees and team coaches pacing around. The stadium was starting to fill in with the banners of blue lion waving in the crowd.

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