Chapter 10

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I intentionally avoided Aura throughout the day.

After what I did yesterday avoiding her was the best thing to do. If it wasn't for the stupid literature class, I would have successfully vanished from her life. Objectively I knew how dumb all of it was.

I needed to be away from her. The magnetism that I have started to feel for her is not something I was ready for. It's testament was the moment I saw that the entire class was jet packed with students except for a few seats. Aura wasn't there yet. And there weren't many chairs left.

Theo came and sat next to me and Barbie asked me for the seat on my right but I motioned her to sit on the vacant chairs above. When I realized that the seat on my right was the only vacant one I kept my bag on it.

Few late comers left the class. O'course they weren't going to dare ask me to move my bag. My thoughts wandered on. Why hasn't she come? She never misses a class. Is she avoiding me too?

She finally came all flustered and looked at her friends who probably let her know that there were no seats left because then she saw the seat next to me and our eyes met.

I took my bag to let her know that she could sit next to me but she didn't until the professor asked her to. Also telling her that it would have been better if she was sitting on my lap was a mistake because the mere thought was getting me hard in my boxers.

Throughout the lecture she kept shifting towards the other guy whose face looked like it could explode any moment. He kept on looking at her creepily. Does he have a death wish or something?

A tight slap across his face would be enough to pop all his pimples and turn it into a literal bloodbath. Thankfully before I became too aggressive Desai told us to list three physical traits of someone as a muse for writing. I knew exactly what I had to do to tell this dude ,and the others trying on her, to back off.

I let her and the entire class know what I have been thinking since the moment I saw her in that maroon dress. I told them about her hair and her eyes which were the obvious but I intentionally mentioned her cute wart.

Understanding the male mind, I knew what they all would think. They don't know about the party. They don't know about the dress. With a woman, as conservative clothing as hers, there remains only one way for me to know about it .

There reaction told me I was right. Aura's cheek flushed and the dude next to her jumped 5 inches away from her. It appeared he was half sitting on the guy next to him. Fucking perfect.

The day just kept getting better as Desai announced about some climate shit and how we are all gonna die or something.

I knew Aura will be there because it's apparently a good cause and our grades are at stake. Although I doubt she'll be wearing a swimsuit. Regardless a man can be hopeful.


The entire fucking college showed up.

Greedy Bastards!

I would have sit this one out if Aura wasn't going. I saw her in black t-shirt and cream cargos walking hand in hand with Lydia towards a bus and went in that direction. Theo followed.

When I got into the bus she was sitting with Lydia and Noah was in this other seat. What is up with him?

I was purposefully staring at Lydia to make her switch seat but Aura took her hand and searched for my intentions on my face.

She waved back at Theo and I punched him later in the guts. He raised both his hand in surrender. Since when is he in her good books?

I thought I was discreet enough when I got into this bus but I was wrong.

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