Chapter 37

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I ground down on my molars as I waited outside Dr Johnson's chamber. Letting out a shuddering breath, I tried to calm down my racing thoughts that are mostly negative.

Shortly after the door opened and my eyes zeroed on Zayn.

I didn't think. I didn't wait. The tightness in my chest was unbearable. "What's wrong with you? Why were you here?" The crack in my voice at the end must've given away what I was feeling inside but instead of refraining I threw both my arms over his, holding him in place to inspect him.

Zander shot me a confused look. "I was just here to ask something."

"What?" Panic seized my throat.

"How long should I wait before donating blood again. It had been so long since the recent ones that I forgot if it was 6 or 8 months. I just wanted to confirm."

"Oh," I managed to wheeze out. "You're a donor?"

"Yes." The insides of his arms framed my shoulder and he tucked me close to his side. "I'm not dying okay," he whispered with a hint of amusement.

I nudged him hard, trying to get away from his hold but he firmed his grip further. Crimson flushed in my cheeks from the knowledge that we were around people. I'm still not used to of PDA when a random couple does it in front of me. So this was a whole another level of uneasiness.

"Don't try to shy away from the fact that you were worried about me," he said as we walked towards Melanie's room.

I looked up at him. "Would it be so bad if I was..."

"Nope. It would be the end of me."

MELANIE was awake and ready to be discharged when we got to her room.

I sensed the weight of her stare on my shoulder,where unfortunately, her son's hand was still firmly placed. Before my train of thought could lead me to the worst possible conclusion of the situation at hand, Melanie smiled at me.

And that was enough. "I'll visit you after work." I came close to her, leaving the warmth of Zayn's touch.

She looked exhausted but her ocean blue eyes still sparkled the brightest.

"Tell Cassian I said hello." The guy behind me apparently didn't care for the moment we were having.

"Sure will," I called over my shoulder before leaving.

WHEN I went to the Bridgewood's that night, Melanie looked much more better than she did at the hospital earlier. There were a couple of extra machines in her room that made me a bit anxious naturally but she was back to her radiant self.

She shooed away both Zayn and Titan, who reluctantly left with their grumpy faces. I could tell she was battling with herself over something.

Edginess crept up my spine. "What is it?" I questioned even though I wasn't sure I wanted an answer.

I sat myself at the couch closest to her but she gestured me to come closer and patted on the bed. As I did, she took my hand in hers and kissed it. The act seemed to warm me and chill me at the same time. Tears welled in my eyes and I asked her again. "What is it Mel?" My voice catched at the end and I mumbled a silent prayer.

To hell with not believing, I'll be a believer if it meant she lived.

"I'm okay. Nothing is wrong. I just wanted to tell you how grateful I'm for you." Her voice was merely a whisper and she was fidgeting with my onyx ring.

My free hand itched to stop her nervous tick but I resisted it. "What for?"

Her eyebrows drew together. "For Zayn." She cleared her throat before speaking again. "Before you...he was different, distant. Not always but when Gwen left him, he took it hard. Plus my illness and Rich's absence. It was all too much for him."

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