Chapter 20

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My pulse kicked up a notch as the car pulled over in front of my house. I was amused by the effect of being near Summer had on me. Although she must be asleep so there's actually little to no chance of seeing her until the morning. The dark of the night dawned on me and my shoulders slumped. What the fuck! I am actually getting sad of not being able to see her. I knew I have some serious issues going on man.

I picked up my luggage and moved to the first floor. The only sound is of the automatic voice in the elevator. Funny how Shadow didn't come all hysteric and gleeful to meet me. He was nowhere ro be seen.

Mindlessly I ran into the decor bench hitting my foot making the jar on it fall with a loud thud. Shit! There's a sharp pain on my toenail now. Fuck. I picked up my bag again to move to Titan's room but i I heard shadow scratching the door of my room from the other side. Wow the traitor is sleeping with Aura. Who would blame him she has that effect on anyone. Look at me missing the party of world class models only to be at home just to see her.

If shadow keeps scratching the door like that the fucker qill wake her up. I moved quickly towards my room to let him out and as I turned the door knob and pushed the door further something came onto me. Thank God for all the practice of reflexes in my various martial arts pursuits that i caught it in rime.othsrwise It would have been a game of thrones brutal death scenario.

It was Aura. She was trying to hit me with a paper weight. When I caught her wrist she let go of the object which dropped on the floor with a loud clink. She looked at me and the terror on her face swiped off with comfort...maybe? Was she happy to see me? She called me Zayn-a name that I'm habitual of hearing at home and at college but it never fucking sounded so good. I want her to keep calling me that.

She continued staring at me as if making sure that it was actually me. Words jumbled in hwr mouth and before I could make sense of them she suddenly swayed. It was strong enough to make me leave her wrist and grab her neck in time to support her. Her eyes closed and her entire body became to light to hold onto the weight. I felt her dropping and grabbed her waist. One of her hand rocked back and forth like pendulum before halting and the other laid motionless on her own body. I picked her up and she rests her head on my chest.

To say that world came to a stand still would be an understatement. A wrong one as well. But it slowed down. Slow enough for me to realize her breathing was now evened out. To know that her eyelashes are very long and naturally curls towards the end. To watch her naked face with two pimples just below her right cheekbones and the discoloration around her nose probably from all the times she scrunched it when I said something. I always saw her wearing such a strong facade that now that she lay vulnerable on my arms I feel like I have been bestowed with a miracle from the heavens above to watch a warrior letting their guards down.

What is this woman doing to me

I breathed heavily and her scent mingled with the air.I placed her carefully on the bed. Panic rose from the pit of my stomach when I realized that it had been quite some time since I have been watching her sleep and she hasn't made any movement. I took out my phone from my pocket and scrolled impatiently through my phone to call the doctor. Just when I was about to press the call button she turned . Stains of blood soaked her pajamas and her t-shirt as well. Ohhh....

Fucking stupid periods bothering the shit outta my girl and making her faint. Instead of waking her up to change I let her sleep. She already looks so pale and weak. A good rest is much needed . I sighed sitting on the couch. My toe is hurting more now. I hope I didn't ruin the nail on it. It was an absolute roller coaster day and my balls are hanging low from being too tired now.

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